flutter_readable library

flutter readable


RBool on bool
  • extension for bool
  • RContext on BuildContext
    RContextColors on BuildContext
    RContextLocalization on BuildContext
  • Localization shortcuts
  • RContextMediaQuery on BuildContext
  • MediaQuery shortcuts
  • RContextNavigator on BuildContext
  • Navigation shortcuts
  • RContextTextTheme on BuildContext
    RContextTheme on BuildContext
    RDateTime on DateTime
    RDateTimeF on DateTime
    RIterable on Iterable<T>
    RIterableNull on List<T?>
  • RIterableString on Iterable<String>
    RLocale on Locale
    extensions on the locale
    RLocaleIsChecker on Locale
    RMap on Map<K, V>
    RNumList on Iterable<num>
    list readableX
    RString on String
    RStringConvert on String
    convert string to different types
    RTimeOfDay on TimeOfDay


    eightSeconds() Future<void>
    instead of await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds:8));
    findInMap(String path, Map<Object?, Object?> map, {String splitOperator = '.'}) Object?
    can dig deeper into the Map if the key is not nested return the value if the key is not nested go deep until find the value
    fiveSeconds() Future<void>
    instead of await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds:5));
    flatMapKeys(Map<String, Object?> map) List<String>
    takes a Map and return the flat keys to the map Example map :
    forSeconds<T>(int seconds) Future<T>
    instead of await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds:1)); do await forSeconds(x)
    fourSeconds() Future<void>
    instead of await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds:4));
    mergeTwoMaps(Map<String, Object?>? a, Map<String, Object?>? b) Map<String, Object?>?
  • merges to maps into single one
  • if the key found in both maps it will use the one from the second map
  • nineSeconds() Future<void>
    instead of await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds:9));
    oneSecond() Future<void>
    instead of await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds:1));
    sevenSeconds() Future<void>
    instead of await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds:7));
    sixSeconds() Future<void>
    instead of await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds:6));
    tenSeconds() Future<void>
    instead of await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds:10));
    threeSeconds() Future<void>
    instead of await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds:3));
    twoSeconds() Future<void>
    instead of await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds:2));


    Selector<T> = bool Function(T)
    return true if match