replace method

Delta replace(
  1. int index,
  2. int len,
  3. Object? data

Replaces length of characters starting at index with data.

This method applies heuristic rules before modifying this document and produces a change event with its source set to ChangeSource.local.

Returns an instance of Delta actually composed into this document.


Delta replace(int index, int len, Object? data) {
  assert(index >= 0);
  assert(data is String || data is Embeddable || data is Delta);

  var delta = Delta();

  if (data is Delta) {
    // move to insertion point and add the inserted content
    if (index > 0) {

    // remove any text we are replacing
    if (len > 0) {

    // add the pasted content
    for (final op in data.operations) {

    compose(delta, ChangeSource.local);
  } else {
    final dataIsNotEmpty = (data is String) ? data.isNotEmpty : true;

    assert(dataIsNotEmpty || len > 0);

    // We have to insert before applying delete rules
    // Otherwise delete would be operating on stale document snapshot.
    if (dataIsNotEmpty) {
      delta = insert(index, data, replaceLength: len);

    if (len > 0) {
      final deleteDelta = delete(index, len);
      delta = delta.compose(deleteDelta);

  return delta;