StringExtensionPlus extension



capitalizeAllWords String?
Capitalize all words from the String
no setter
capitalizeFirstWord String?
Capitalize first word from the String
no setter
cleanDiacritics String?
Remove diacritics from the String Remove acentos da String
no setter
cleanString String?
Remove special characters from the String
no setter
cleanStringAndSpaces String?
Remove special characters and spaces from the String
no setter
firstLetter String?
Get first letter of string
no setter
firstWord String?
Get first word of string
no setter
fromBase64 String?
Convert base64 to String
no setter
isBool bool
Checks whether a String is a bool
no setter
isCelular bool
Checks whether the string is an cellphone (Brazil)
no setter
isCpf bool
Checks whether the string is an CPF (Brazil)
no setter
isEmail bool
Checks whether the string is an e-mail
no setter
isNotNullOrEmpty bool
Checks whether string is empty or null Checks whether string is not empty or null
no setter
isNum bool
Checks whether a String is a number
no setter
isTelefone bool
Checks whether the string is an phone number (Brazil)
no setter
isURL bool
Checks whether a String is a url
no setter
toBase64 String?
Convert String to base64
no setter


compareStrings(String text, {bool? caseSensitive}) bool
Compare to another String with caseSensitive or not
containesStrings(String text, {bool? caseSensitive}) bool
Containes to another String with caseSensitive or not
isDateTime({required String format}) bool
Checks whether a String is a dateTime Checks whether a String is a dateTime
setMask({required String mask}) String?
Set custom mask to String
toDate({required String format}) DateTime?
Transfor String to DateTime