reverseSearch method

Future<List<PhotonFeature>> reverseSearch(
  1. double latitude,
  2. double longitude, {
  3. bool secure = true,
  4. PhotonReverseParams params = const PhotonReverseParams(),

Does a reverse search at the given latitude and longitude. Returns an empty list if there are no results near the given location.

The search can be improved or further influenced by specifying a set of params.

If secure is set to false, requests will be performed via HTTP, otherweise HTTPS is used (default).

Throws an exception if the API response has a status code different than 200.


Future<List<PhotonFeature>> reverseSearch(double latitude, double longitude,
    {bool secure = true,
    PhotonReverseParams params = const PhotonReverseParams()}) async {
  var queryParams = params.buildQueryParameters();
  queryParams['lon'] = '$longitude';
  queryParams['lat'] = '$latitude';

  final uri = secure
      ? Uri.https(
          _baseUri.authority, _baseUri.path + _reverseEndpoint, queryParams)
      : Uri.http(
          _baseUri.authority, _baseUri.path + _reverseEndpoint, queryParams);
  final res = await http.get(uri);

  return _handleResponse(res);