lib library


A Flutter plugin to manage the keycloak authentication, managing on the local storage the tokens and the credentials


addCharsUntilMultipleOfFour(String inputBase64) String
Add as much equals signs at the end of the string to have a length that is multiple of four
clearSession() Future<void>
Clear the plugin's SharedPrefs keys
extractKeyFromJwtTokenPayload(String key, String token) int
Extract the key from the JTW Token Payload
getConfiguration() Map?
Get the configuration from the SharedPrefs
getCredentials() Future<Map?>
Get the credentials from the SharedPrefs
getRealmURL(String realm, String authServerUrl) String
Get the Realm URL
getTokens() Map?
Get the tokens from the SharedPrefs
isAccessTokenExpired() Future<bool>
Get if AT is expired
saveConfiguration(Map conf) → void
Save the configuration to the SharedPrefs
saveCredentials(Map credentials) Future<void>
Save the credentials to the SharedPrefs
saveTokens(Map tokens) → void
Save the tokens to the SharedPrefs
willAccessTokenExpireInLessThan(int seconds) Future<bool>
Get if AT will expire in less than specified seconds