runExecutableArgumentsSync function

ProcessResult runExecutableArgumentsSync(
  1. String executable,
  2. List<String> arguments, {
  3. String? workingDirectory,
  4. Map<String, String>? environment,
  5. bool includeParentEnvironment = true,
  6. bool? runInShell,
  7. Encoding? stdoutEncoding = systemEncoding,
  8. Encoding? stderrEncoding = systemEncoding,
  9. StreamSink<List<int>>? stdout,
  10. StreamSink<List<int>>? stderr,
  11. bool? verbose,
  12. bool? commandVerbose,

if commandVerbose or verbose is true, display the command. if verbose is true, stream stdout & stdin

Compared to the async version, it is not possible to kill the spawn process nor to feed any input.


ProcessResult runExecutableArgumentsSync(
    String executable, List<String> arguments,
    {String? workingDirectory,
    Map<String, String>? environment,
    bool includeParentEnvironment = true,
    bool? runInShell,
    Encoding? stdoutEncoding = systemEncoding,
    Encoding? stderrEncoding = systemEncoding,
    StreamSink<List<int>>? stdout,
    StreamSink<List<int>>? stderr,
    bool? verbose,
    bool? commandVerbose}) {
  if (verbose == true) {
    commandVerbose = true;
    stdout ??= io.stdout;
    stderr ??= io.stderr;

  if (commandVerbose == true) {
    utils.streamSinkWriteln(stdout ?? io.stdout,
        '\$ ${executableArgumentsToString(executable, arguments)}',
        encoding: stdoutEncoding);

  // Build our environment
  var shellEnvironment = ShellEnvironment.full(
      environment: environment,
      includeParentEnvironment: includeParentEnvironment);

  // Default is the full command
  var executableShortName = executable;

  // Find executable if needed, i.e. if it is only a name
  if (basename(executable) == executable) {
    // Try to find it in path or use it as is
    executable = utils.findExecutableSync(executable, shellEnvironment.paths) ??
  } else {
    // resolve locally
    executable = utils.findExecutableSync(basename(executable), [
          join(workingDirectory ?? Directory.current.path, dirname(executable))
        ]) ??

  // Fix runInShell on windows (force run in shell for non-.exe)
  runInShell = utils.fixRunInShell(runInShell, executable);

  io.ProcessResult result;
  try {
    result = Process.runSync(
      environment: shellEnvironment,
      includeParentEnvironment: false,
      runInShell: runInShell,
      workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
      stdoutEncoding: stdoutEncoding,
      stderrEncoding: stderrEncoding,
  } catch (e) {
    if (verbose == true) {
          '\$ ${executableArgumentsToString(executableShortName, arguments)}');
          'workingDirectory: ${workingDirectory ?? Directory.current.path}');

  List<int> outputToIntList(dynamic data, Encoding? encoding) {
    if (data is List<int>) {
      return data;
    } else if (data is String && encoding != null) {
      return encoding.encode(data);
    } else {
      throw 'Unexpected data type: ${data.runtimeType}';

  if (stdout != null) {
    var out = outputToIntList(result.stdout, stdoutEncoding);

  if (stderr != null) {
    var err = outputToIntList(result.stderr, stderrEncoding);

  return result;