sendIcx method

Future<SendIcxResponse> sendIcx({
  1. String? yourPrivateKey,
  2. String? destinationAddress,
  3. String? value,

value is decimal, ex: '1' send Icx to an address return the transaction hash

final txHash = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance.sendIcx(
                        yourPrivateKey: yourPrivateKey,
                        destinationAddress: address,
                        value: 1


Future<SendIcxResponse> sendIcx(
    {String? yourPrivateKey,
    String? destinationAddress,
    String? value}) async {
  final String response = await (_channel.invokeMethod('sendIcx', {
    "from": yourPrivateKey,
    "to": destinationAddress,
    "value": value,
  print("FlutterIconNetwork sendIcx $response");
  return sendIcxResponseFromJson(response);