Dashboard class

Class to store all the scene elements. This also acts as the controller to the flow_chart widget It notifies changes to FlowChart



Dashboard({Offset? handlerFeedbackOffset, bool blockDefaultZoomGestures = false, double minimumZoomFactor = 0.25, ArrowStyle defaultArrowStyle = ArrowStyle.curve})
Dashboard.fromJson(String source)
Dashboard.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)


blockDefaultZoomGestures bool
getter/setter pair
dashboardSize Size
Dashboard size
getter/setter pair
defaultArrowStyle ArrowStyle
The default style for the new created arrow
elements List<FlowElement>
The current elements in the dashboard
getter/setter pair
gridBackgroundParams GridBackgroundParams
Background parameters.
getter/setter pair
handlerFeedbackOffset Offset
handlerFeedbackOffset sets an offset for the handler when user is dragging it. This can be used to prevent the handler being covered by user's finger on touch screens.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasListeners bool
Whether any listeners are currently registered.
no setterinherited
minimumZoomFactor double
minimum zoom factor allowed default is 0.25 setting it to 1 will prevent zooming out setting it to 0 will remove the limit
getter/setter pair
position Offset
Get the position.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
zoomFactor double
shorthand to get the current zoom factor
no setter


addConnectionListener(ConnectionListener listener) → void
add listener called when a new connection is created
addElement(FlowElement element, {bool notify = true, int? position}) → void
add a FlowElement to the dashboard
addListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Register a closure to be called when the object changes.
addNextById(FlowElement sourceElement, String destId, ArrowParams arrowParams, {bool notify = true}) → void
make an arrow connection from sourceElement to the elements with id destId arrowParams definition of arrow parameters
dispose() → void
Discards any resources used by the object. After this is called, the object is not in a usable state and should be discarded (calls to addListener will throw after the object is disposed).
dissectElementConnection(FlowElement element, Handler handler, {Offset? point, bool notify = true}) → void
dissect an element connection handler is the handler that is in connection point is the point where the connection is dissected if point is null, point is automatically calculated
findConnectionByElements(FlowElement srcElement, FlowElement destElement) ConnectionParams?
find the connection from srcElement to destElement return null if not found. In case of multiple connections, first connection is returned.
findElementById(String id) FlowElement?
find the element by its id for convenience return null if not found
findElementIndexById(String id) int
find the element by its id
findSrcElementByDestElement(FlowElement dest) FlowElement?
find the source element of the dest element.
loadDashboard(String completeFilePath) → void
clear the dashboard and load the new one from file completeFilePath
loadDashboardData(Map<String, dynamic> source) → void
clear the dashboard and load the new one from source json
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyListeners() → void
Call all the registered listeners.
prettyJson() String
recenter() → void
recenter the dashboard
removeAllElements({bool notify = true}) → void
remove all elements
removeConnectionByElements(FlowElement srcElement, FlowElement destElement, {bool notify = true}) → void
remove the connection from srcElement to destElement
removeConnectionListener(ConnectionListener listener) → void
remove connection listener
removeDissection(Pivot pivot, {bool notify = true}) → void
remove the dissection of the connection
removeElement(FlowElement element, {bool notify = true}) bool
remove element return true if it has been removed
removeElementById(String id, {bool notify = true}) → void
remove all the elements with id from the dashboard
removeElementConnection(FlowElement element, Handler handler, {bool notify = true}) → void
remove the handler connection of element
removeElementConnections(FlowElement element, {bool notify = true}) → void
remove all the connection from the element
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that are notified when the object changes.
saveDashboard(String completeFilePath) → void
save the dashboard into completeFilePath
setArrowStyle(FlowElement src, FlowElement dest, ArrowStyle style, {bool notify = true, double tension = 1.0}) → void
Set a new style to the arrow staring from src pointing to dest. If notify is true the dasboard is refreshed. The tension parameter is used when style is ArrowStyle.segmented to set the curve strength on pivot points. 0 means no curve.
setArrowStyleByHandler(FlowElement src, Handler handler, ArrowStyle style, {bool notify = true, double tension = 1.0}) → void
Set a new style to the arrow staring from the handler of src element. If notify is true the dasboard is refreshed. The tension parameter is used when style is ArrowStyle.segmented to set the curve strength on pivot points. 0 means no curve.
setDashboardPosition(Offset position) → void
needed to know the diagram widget position to compute offsets for drag and drop elements
setDashboardSize(Size size) → void
needed to know the diagram widget size
setElementConnectable(FlowElement element, bool connectable, {bool notify = true}) → void
set connectable element property
setElementDraggable(FlowElement element, bool draggable, {bool notify = true}) → void
set draggable element property
setElementEditingText(FlowElement element, bool editing, {bool notify = true}) → void
Enable editing mode for an element
setElementResizable(FlowElement element, bool resizable, {bool notify = true}) → void
set resizable element property
setGridBackgroundParams(GridBackgroundParams params) → void
set grid background parameters
setHandlerFeedbackOffset(Offset offset) → void
set the feedback offset to help on mobile device to see the end of arrow and not hiding behind the finger when moving it
setZoomFactor(double factor, {Offset? focalPoint}) → void
factor needs to be a non negative value. 1 is the default value. Giving a value above 1 will zoom the dashboard by the given factor and vice versa. Negative values will be ignored. zoomFactor will not go below minimumZoomFactor focalPoint is the point where the zoom is centered default is the center of the dashboard
toJson() String
toMap() Map<String, dynamic>
manage load/save using json
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.