flutter_flicker library
- BaseEntityLogic
- BaseListLogic
- BaseLogic
- CallbackMenuItem
- Represents a menu item where the click action is a custom callback method.
- CurrentRouteConfiguration
- DividerMenuItem
- Represents a visual divider between menu items
- FlickerConfiguration
- Some sort of comment
- FlickerDisplayOptions
- FlickerRole
- FlickerRouteInformationParser
- FlickerRouterDelegate
- FlickerScreen
- FlickerSecurity
- FlickerUser
- GroupMenuItem
- Represents a grouping of child menu items under a group heading title
- Menu
- MenuConfiguration
- MenuItem
- RouteInfo
- RouteMenuItem
- Represents a menu item that redirects the user to the specified routeInfo When primaryMenuItem is true the front end layout might display the menu in a more promiment part of the UI
- RoutesBase