
Remote Logging Library to log a device from remote

Logging Platform

  • Google Cloud Logging
  • Betterstack

Google Cloud Logging


Parameter Type Description
serviceAccount Map<String, dynamic> Secret Key Get From Google Cloud.
env String Environment for classification logs.



Parameter Type Description
sourceToken String Access token to post the log through API. Fetched from Betterstack Dashboard.



Call this function to init a remote logging service after create a constructor.

Write Remote Log

Write log into specific platform remote logging.

Parameter Type Description
level Level Level to identify the log.
message String The message log.
labels Map<String, String> The nested value of the log.

Add Default Label

Add default label value for added into a log.

Parameter Type Description
labels Map<String, String> The nested value that want set as a default value of the log.

Remove Default Label

Remove label from default label

Parameter Type Description
labels List The label key want to remove from default labels.