flutter_extension_kits library


Represents an empty EventArg derived class. For use where no arguments are required, and one wants to make explicit the generic type.
ExtendedEvent<T extends ExtendedEventArgs>
Represents an Event as some number of handlers (subscribers) that can be notified when a condition occurs, by using the broadcast method.
An abstract representation of the (optional) arguments provided to handlers when an ExtendedEvent occurs.
Represents a StdEventArgs derived class with one (generic) value.
GenericEventArgs2<T1, T2>
Represents a StdEventArgs derived class with two (generic) values.
An ExtendedEventArgs extended class that includes the date and time the ExtendedEvent was broadcast and an optional description.


AlignX on Widget
Extensions on alignment of widgets
DateExtension on DateTime
DoubleExtension on double
IntExtension on int
ListExtension on List
ListTextX on List<String>
Extensions on List
NumExtension on num
NumListExtension on List<num>
OnPressed on Widget
StringExtension on String
TextX on String
Extensions on string to create Text widget TODO: add rich text support extensions
WidgetListX on List<Widget>
Extensions on list of Widgets Methods: row(), column(), stack()
WidgetX on Widget
WidgetX extensions to power our flutter widgets WidgetX extension is now integrated in Get package and don't need from this package anymore Highly experimental. API not stable yet.


interpolate(String string, List<String> params) String
toList(String val) List<String>


EventHandler<T extends ExtendedEventArgs> = void Function(T args)
Defines the function (callback) signature of an Event handler. It is a function that takes an argument of type EventArgs, or one derived from it.