flutter_execution_utilities library

A collection of execution control utilities for Flutter and Dart, including debounce, throttle, memoization, retry mechanisms, and more


A utility class that batches calls to func within a specified duration, aggregating arguments into a list.
A Circuit Breaker implementation to prevent repeated failures by wrapping an asynchronous function and controlling its execution based on the success or failure rate.


Represents the state of the circuit breaker.


debounce<T>(void action(T args), Duration delay, {bool leading = false}) → void Function(T)
Creates a debounced function that delays invoking action until after delay has passed since the last time the debounced function was called.
delayExecution(Function func, Duration delay) Function
Returns a function that delays the execution of func by delay duration.
memoize(Function func) Function
Returns a memoized version of func.
rateLimiter(Function func, int maxCalls, Duration duration) Function
Creates a rate-limited version of func that allows only maxCalls executions per duration.
retry<T>(Future<T> func(), {int maxRetries = 3, Duration? delay, bool retryIf(Object error)?}) Future<T>
Retries the asynchronous operation func up to maxRetries times with an optional delay between attempts.
throttle<T>(void action(T args), Duration delay, {bool leading = true, bool trailing = false}) → void Function(T)
Creates a throttled function that only invokes action at most once every delay duration.