open static method

Future<bool> open(
  1. {required String taskId}

Opens the file downloaded by download task with taskId. Returns true if the downloaded file can be opened, false otherwise.

On Android, there are two requirements for opening the file:

  • The file must be saved in external storage where other applications have permission to read the file
  • There must be at least 1 application that can read the files of type of the file.


static Future<bool> open({required String taskId}) async {
  assert(_initialized, 'plugin flutter_downloader is not initialized');

  bool? result;
  try {
    result = await _channel.invokeMethod<bool>(
      {'task_id': taskId},

    if (result == null) {
      throw const FlutterDownloaderException(message: '`open` returned null');
  } on PlatformException catch (err) {
    _log('Failed to open downloaded file. Reason: ${err.message}');

  return result ?? false;