flutter_core library


The default Transformer for Dio.
A set of base settings for each Dio(). BaseOptions and Options will be merged into one RequestOptions before sending the requests. See Options.compose.
Controls cancellation of Dio's requests.
ChangeNotifierProvider<T extends ChangeNotifier?>
Listens to a ChangeNotifier, expose it to its descendants and rebuilds dependents whenever ChangeNotifier.notifyListeners is called.
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider<T, R extends ChangeNotifier?>
A ChangeNotifierProvider that builds and synchronizes a ChangeNotifier with external values.
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider0<R extends ChangeNotifier?>
A ChangeNotifierProvider that builds and synchronizes a ChangeNotifier with external values.
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider2<T, T2, R extends ChangeNotifier?>
A ChangeNotifierProvider that builds and synchronizes a ChangeNotifier with external values.
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider3<T, T2, T3, R extends ChangeNotifier?>
A ChangeNotifierProvider that builds and synchronizes a ChangeNotifier with external values.
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider4<T, T2, T3, T4, R extends ChangeNotifier?>
A ChangeNotifierProvider that builds and synchronizes a ChangeNotifier with external values.
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider5<T, T2, T3, T4, T5, R extends ChangeNotifier?>
A ChangeNotifierProvider that builds and synchronizes a ChangeNotifier with external values.
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider6<T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R extends ChangeNotifier?>
A ChangeNotifierProvider that builds and synchronizes a ChangeNotifier with external values.
Discover network connectivity configurations: Distinguish between WI-FI and cellular, check WI-FI status and more.
The Linux implementation of ConnectivityPlatform.
Obtains Provider<T> from its ancestors and passes its value to builder.
Consumer2<A, B>
Obtains Provider<T> from its ancestors and passes its value to builder.
Consumer3<A, B, C>
Obtains Provider<T> from its ancestors and passes its value to builder.
Consumer4<A, B, C, D>
Obtains Provider<T> from its ancestors and passes its value to builder.
Consumer5<A, B, C, D, E>
Obtains Provider<T> from its ancestors and passes its value to builder.
Consumer6<A, B, C, D, E, F>
Obtains Provider<T> from its ancestors and passes its value to builder.
DeferredInheritedProvider<T, R>
An InheritedProvider where the object listened is not the object emitted.
Dio enables you to make HTTP requests easily.
EntityParser<T extends Entity>
The handler for interceptors to handle error occurred during the request.
A class to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams. It can be used to submit forms and file uploads to http server.
A Transformer that has a fast path for decoding UTF8-encoded JSON. If the response is utf8-encoded JSON and no custom decoder is specified in the RequestOptions, this transformer is significantly faster than the default SyncTransformer and the BackgroundTransformer. This improvement is achieved by using a fused Utf8Decoder and JsonDecoder to decode the response, which is faster than decoding the utf8-encoded JSON in two separate steps, since Dart uses a special fast decoder for this case. See https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/5b2ea0c7a227d91c691d2ff8cbbeb5f7f86afdb9/sdk/lib/_internal/vm/lib/convert_patch.dart#L40
Listens to a Future and exposes its result to child and its descendants.
The headers class for requests and responses.
HttpAdapter is a bridge between Dio and HttpClient.
A BuildContext associated to an InheritedProvider.
A generic implementation of an InheritedWidget.
Interceptor helps to deal with RequestOptions, Response, and DioException during the lifecycle of a request before it reaches users.
A Queue-Model list for Interceptors.
A helper class to create interceptors in ease.
ListenableProvider<T extends Listenable?>
Listens to a Listenable, expose it to its descendants and rebuilds dependents whenever the listener emits an event.
ListenableProxyProvider<T, R extends Listenable?>
A variation of ListenableProvider that builds its value from values obtained from other providers.
ListenableProxyProvider0<R extends Listenable?>
A variation of ListenableProvider that builds its value from values obtained from other providers.
ListenableProxyProvider2<T, T2, R extends Listenable?>
A variation of ListenableProvider that builds its value from values obtained from other providers.
ListenableProxyProvider3<T, T2, T3, R extends Listenable?>
A variation of ListenableProvider that builds its value from values obtained from other providers.
ListenableProxyProvider4<T, T2, T3, T4, R extends Listenable?>
A variation of ListenableProvider that builds its value from values obtained from other providers.
ListenableProxyProvider5<T, T2, T3, T4, T5, R extends Listenable?>
A variation of ListenableProvider that builds its value from values obtained from other providers.
ListenableProxyProvider6<T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R extends Listenable?>
A variation of ListenableProvider that builds its value from values obtained from other providers.
Indicates a param being used as queries or form data, and how does it gets formatted.
LogInterceptor is used to print logs during network requests. It should be the last interceptor added, otherwise modifications by following interceptors will not be logged. This is because the execution of interceptors is in the order of addition.
An upload content that is a part of MultipartRequest. This doesn't need to correspond to a physical file.
A provider that merges multiple providers into a single linear widget tree. It is used to improve readability and reduce boilerplate code of having to nest multiple layers of providers.
NetworkResponseModel<T extends Entity>
The configuration for a single request. BaseOptions and Options will be merged into one RequestOptions before sending the requests. See Options.compose.
A Provider that manages the lifecycle of the value it provides by delegating to a pair of Create and Dispose.
ProxyProvider<T, R>
A provider that builds a value based on other providers.
A provider that builds a value based on other providers.
ProxyProvider2<T, T2, R>
A provider that builds a value based on other providers.
ProxyProvider3<T, T2, T3, R>
A provider that builds a value based on other providers.
ProxyProvider4<T, T2, T3, T4, R>
A provider that builds a value based on other providers.
ProxyProvider5<T, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>
A provider that builds a value based on other providers.
ProxyProvider6<T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R>
A provider that builds a value based on other providers.
Interceptor in queue.
A helper class to create QueuedInterceptor in ease.
If you need your provider to be notified when 'Hot Reload' occurs, use this class
A record that records the redirection happens during requests, including status code, request method, and the location.
The handler for interceptors to handle before the request has been sent.
The internal request option class that is the eventual result after BaseOptions and Options are composed.
The Response class contains the payload (could be transformed) that respond from the request, and other information of the response.
The response wrapper class for adapters.
The handler for interceptors to handle after respond.
Selector<A, S>
An equivalent to Consumer that can filter updates by selecting a limited amount of values and prevent rebuild if they don't change.
A base class for custom Selector.
Selector2<A, B, S>
An equivalent to Consumer that can filter updates by selecting a limited amount of values and prevent rebuild if they don't change.
Selector3<A, B, C, S>
An equivalent to Consumer that can filter updates by selecting a limited amount of values and prevent rebuild if they don't change.
Selector4<A, B, C, D, S>
An equivalent to Consumer that can filter updates by selecting a limited amount of values and prevent rebuild if they don't change.
Selector5<A, B, C, D, E, S>
An equivalent to Consumer that can filter updates by selecting a limited amount of values and prevent rebuild if they don't change.
Selector6<A, B, C, D, E, F, S>
An equivalent to Consumer that can filter updates by selecting a limited amount of values and prevent rebuild if they don't change.
Listens to a Stream and exposes its content to child and descendants.
If you want to custom the transformation of request/response data, you can provide a Transformer by your self, and replace the transformer by setting the Dio.transformer.
Transformer allows changes to the request/response data before it is sent/received to/from the server.
Listens to a ValueListenable and exposes its current value.


Connection status check result.
The exception enumeration indicates what type of exception has happened during requests.
The file access mode when downloading a file, corresponds to a subset of dart:io::FileMode.
Specifies the array format (a single parameter with multiple parameter or multiple parameters with the same name). and the separator for array items.
Indicates which transformation should be applied to the response data.


The mixin class for options that provides common attributes.


defaultDioExceptionReadableStringBuilder(DioException e) String
The default implementation of building a readable string of DioException.


Create<T> = T Function(BuildContext context)
A function that creates an object of type T.
DefaultTransformer = SyncTransformer
DeferredStartListening<T, R> = VoidCallback Function(InheritedContext<R?> context, void setState(R value), T controller, R? value)
A callback used to handle the subscription of controller.
DioError = DioException
DioError describes the exception info when a request failed.
DioErrorType = DioExceptionType
Deprecated in favor of DioExceptionType and will be removed in future major versions.
DioExceptionReadableStringBuilder = String Function(DioException e)
The readable string builder's signature of DioException.readableStringBuilder.
DioMediaType = MediaType
The type (alias) for specifying the content-type of the MultipartFile.
Dispose<T> = void Function(BuildContext context, T value)
A function that disposes an object of type T.
ErrorBuilder<T> = T Function(BuildContext context, Object? error)
A callback used to build a valid value from an error.
HeaderForEachCallback = void Function(String name, List<String> values)
The signature that iterates header fields.
InterceptorErrorCallback = void Function(DioException error, ErrorInterceptorHandler handler)
The signature of Interceptor.onError.
InterceptorSendCallback = void Function(RequestOptions options, RequestInterceptorHandler handler)
The signature of Interceptor.onRequest.
InterceptorSuccessCallback = void Function(Response response, ResponseInterceptorHandler handler)
The signature of Interceptor.onResponse.
JsonDecodeCallback = FutureOr Function(String)
The callback definition for decoding a JSON string.
JsonEncodeCallback = FutureOr<String> Function(Object)
The callback definition for encoding a JSON object.
Locator = T Function<T>()
A generic function that can be called to read providers, without having a reference on BuildContext.
NetworkManagerClientFactory = NetworkManagerClient Function()
ProgressCallback = void Function(int count, int total)
The type of a progress listening callback when sending or receiving data.
ProviderBuilder<R> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, R value, Widget child)
ProxyProviderBuilder<T, R> = R Function(BuildContext context, T value, R? previous)
ProxyProviderBuilder2<T, T2, R> = R Function(BuildContext context, T value, T2 value2, R? previous)
ProxyProviderBuilder3<T, T2, T3, R> = R Function(BuildContext context, T value, T2 value2, T3 value3, R? previous)
ProxyProviderBuilder4<T, T2, T3, T4, R> = R Function(BuildContext context, T value, T2 value2, T3 value3, T4 value4, R? previous)
ProxyProviderBuilder5<T, T2, T3, T4, T5, R> = R Function(BuildContext context, T value, T2 value2, T3 value3, T4 value4, T5 value5, R? previous)
ProxyProviderBuilder6<T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R> = R Function(BuildContext context, T value, T2 value2, T3 value3, T4 value4, T5 value5, T6 value6, R? previous)
RequestEncoder = FutureOr<List<int>> Function(String request, RequestOptions options)
The type of a request encoding callback.
ResponseDecoder = FutureOr<String?> Function(List<int> responseBytes, RequestOptions options, ResponseBody responseBody)
The type of a response decoding callback.
ShouldRebuild<T> = bool Function(T previous, T next)
Used by providers to determine whether dependents needs to be updated when the value exposed changes
StartListening<T> = VoidCallback Function(InheritedContext<T?> element, T value)
A callback used to start the listening of an object and return a function that cancels the subscription.
UpdateShouldNotify<T> = bool Function(T previous, T current)
A function that returns true when the update from previous to current should notify listeners, if any.
ValidateStatus = bool Function(int? status)
The type of a response status code validate callback.

Exceptions / Errors

DioException describes the exception info when a request failed.
A TypeError thrown by _checkNotNullable.
The error that will be thrown if Provider.of fails to find a Provider as an ancestor of the BuildContext used.
Called Provider.of<T> instead of Provider.of<T?> but the provider returned null.