get<T> method

T? get<T>({
  1. dynamic key,
  2. dynamic args,
  3. bool withInjector = true,

Returns object of requested type by given key or by Type from ControlFactory. When args are not empty and object is Initializable, then Initializable.init is called. Set withInjector to re-inject stored object.

If object is not found in internal store, then factory tries to initialize new one via ControlFactory.init. When T is passed to initializer and args are null, then key is used as arguments for ControlFactory.init. And when initialized object is LazyControl then this object is stored into Factory.


T? get<T>({dynamic key, dynamic args, bool withInjector = true}) {
  final useExactKey = key != null;
  key = keyOf<T>(key: key);

  assert(key != null);

  if (_items.containsKey(key)) {
    final item = _items[key] as T?;

    if (item != null) {
      inject(item, args: args, withInjector: withInjector);
      return item;

  if (!useExactKey) {
    T? item;

    if (T != dynamic) {
      item =
          _items.values.firstWhere((item) => item is T, orElse: () => null);
    } else if (key == Type) {
      item = _items.values
          .firstWhere((item) => item.runtimeType == key, orElse: () => null);

    if (item != null) {
      inject(item, args: args, withInjector: withInjector);
      return item;

  final item = init<T>(key: key == Type ? key : null, args: args ?? key);

  if (item is LazyControl) {
    if (item.factoryKey != null) {
      key = item.factoryKey;

    item._factoryKey = key;
    set<T>(key: key, value: item);

  return item;