Command<TParam, TResult> class abstract

Command capsules a given handler function that can then be executed by its execute method. The result of this method is then published through its ValueListenable interface Additionally it offers other ValueListenables for it's current execution state, if the command can be executed and for all possibly thrown exceptions during command execution.

Command implements the ValueListenable interface so you can register notification handlers directly to the Command which emits the results of the wrapped function. If this function has a void return type registered handler will still be called so that you can listen for the end of the execution.

The results ValueListenable emits CommandResult<TResult> which is often easier in combination with Flutter ValueListenableBuilder because you have all state information at one place.

An Command is a generic class of type Command<TParam, TResult> where TParam is the type of data that is passed when calling execute and TResult denotes the return type of the handler function. To signal that a handler doesn't take a parameter or returns no value use the type void

Available Extensions


Command({required TResult initialValue, required ValueListenable<bool>? restriction, required ExecuteInsteadHandler<TParam>? ifRestrictedExecuteInstead, required bool includeLastResultInCommandResults, required bool noReturnValue, required bool notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges, ErrorFilter? errorFilter, required String? debugName, required bool noParamValue})


asyncNotification bool
If true, the listeners will be notified asynchronously, which can be helpful if you encounter problems that you trigger rebuilds during the build phase.
canExecute ValueListenable<bool>
ValueListenable<bool> that changes its value on any change of the current executability state of the command. Meaning if the command can be executed or not. This will issue false while the command executes, but also if the command receives a true from the restriction ValueListenable that you can pass when creating the Command. its value is !restriction.value && !isExecuting.value
no setter
debugName String?
no setter
errors ValueListenable<CommandError?>
ValueListenable<CommandError> that reflects the Error State of the command if the wrapped function throws an error, its value is set to the error is wrapped in an CommandError
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasListeners bool
Whether any listeners are currently registered.
no setterinherited
isExecuting ValueListenable<bool>
ValueListenable that changes its value on any change of the execution state change of the command
no setter
listenerCount int
getter/setter pairinherited
mode CustomNotifierMode
results ValueListenable<CommandResult<TParam?, TResult>>
emits CommandResult<TResult> the combined state of the command, which is often easier in combination with Flutter's ValueListenableBuilder because you have all state information at one place.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
thrownExceptions ValueListenable<CommandError?>
ValueListenable<CommandError> that reflects the Error State of the command if the wrapped function throws an error, its value is set to the error is wrapped in an CommandError
no setter
value ↔ TResult
The current value of the object. When the value changes, the callbacks registered with addListener will be invoked.
getter/setter pairinherited


addListener(void listener()) → void
Register a closure to be called when the object changes.
call([TParam? param]) → void
This makes Command a callable class, so instead of myCommand.execute() you can write myCommand()
clearErrors() → void
clears the error state of the command. This will trigger any listeners especially useful if you use watch_it to watch the errors property. However the prefered way to handle thd errors property is either user registerHandler or listen in initState of a StatefulWidget
dispose() → void
If you don't need a command any longer it is a good practise to dispose it to make sure all registered notification handlers are remove to prevent memory leaks
execute([TParam? param]) → void
Calls the wrapped handler function with an optional input parameter
executeWithFuture([TParam? param]) Future<TResult>
Executes an async Command and returns a Future that completes as soon as the Command completes. This is especially useful if you use a RefreshIndicator
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyListeners() → void
Call all the registered listeners.
removeListener(void listener()) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that are notified when the object changes.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toWidget({required Widget onResult(TResult lastResult, TParam? param), Widget whileExecuting(TResult lastResult, TParam? param)?, Widget onError(Object? error, TParam? param)?}) Widget
Returns a the result of one of three builders depending on the current state of the Command. This function won't trigger a rebuild if the command changes states so it should be used together with get_it_mixin, provider, flutter_hooks and the like.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

assertionsAlwaysThrow bool
AssertionErrors are almost never wanted in production, so by default they will dirextly be rethrown, so that they are found early in development In case you want them to be handled like any other error, meaning an ErrorFilter will decide what should happen, set this to false.
getter/setter pair
debugErrorsThrowAlways bool
getter/setter pair
detailedStackTraces bool
Will capture detailed stacktraces for any Command execution. If this has negative impact on performance you can set this to false. This is a global setting for all Commands in the app.
getter/setter pair
errorFilterDefault ErrorFilter
if no individual ErrorFilter is set when creating a Command this filter is used in case of an error
getter/setter pair
globalExceptionHandler ↔ (void Function(CommandError<Object> error, StackTrace stackTrace)?)
optional hander that will get called on any exception that happens inside any Command of the app. Ideal for logging. the debugName of the Command that was responsible for the error is inside the error object.
getter/setter pair
loggingHandler ↔ (void Function(String? commandName, CommandResult result)?)
optional handler that will get called on all Command executions if the Command has a set debugName. commandName the debugName of the Command
getter/setter pair
reportAllExceptions bool
overrides any ErrorFilter that is set for a Command and will call the global exception handler for any error that occurs in any Command of the app. Together with the detailledStackTraces this gives detailed information what's going on in the app
getter/setter pair
useChainCapture bool
experimental if enabled you will get a detailed stacktrace of the origin of the exception inside the wrapped function.
getter/setter pair

Static Methods

createAsync<TParam, TResult>(Future<TResult> func(TParam x), {required TResult initialValue, ValueListenable<bool>? restriction, ExecuteInsteadHandler<TParam>? ifRestrictedExecuteInstead, bool includeLastResultInCommandResults = false, ErrorFilter? errorFilter, bool notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges = false, String? debugName}) Command<TParam, TResult>
Creates a Command for an asynchronous handler function with parameter that returns a value func : handler function initialValue sets the .value of the Command. restriction : ValueListenable<bool> that can be used to enable/disable the command based on some other state change. true means that the Command cannot be executed. If omitted the command can be executed always except it's already executing ifRestrictedExecuteInstead if restriction is set for the command and its value is true this function will be called instead of the wrapped function. This is useful if you want to execute a different function when the command is restricted. For example you could show a dialog to let the user logg in if the restriction is because the user is not logged in. If you don't set this function, the command will just do nothing when it's restricted. includeLastResultInCommandResults will include the value of the last successful execution in all CommandResult values unless there is no result. This can be handy if you always want to be able to display something even when you got an error or while the command is still running. errorFilter : overrides the default set by errorFilterDefault. If false, Exceptions thrown by the wrapped function won't be caught but rethrown unless there is a listener on errors or results. notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges : the default is that the command notifies it's listeners even if the value hasn't changed. If you set this to true the command will only notify it's listeners if the value has changed. debugName optional identifier that is included when you register a globalExceptionHandler or a loggingHandler
createAsyncNoParam<TResult>(Future<TResult> func(), {required TResult initialValue, ValueListenable<bool>? restriction, void ifRestrictedExecuteInstead()?, bool includeLastResultInCommandResults = false, ErrorFilter? errorFilter, bool notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges = false, String? debugName}) Command<void, TResult>
Creates a Command for an asynchronous handler function with no parameter that returns a value func : handler function initialValue sets the .value of the Command. restriction : ValueListenable<bool> that can be used to enable/disable the command based on some other state change. true means that the Command cannot be executed. If omitted the command can be executed always except it's already executing ifRestrictedExecuteInstead if restriction is set for the command and its value is true this function will be called instead of the wrapped function. This is useful if you want to execute a different function when the command is restricted. For example you could show a dialog to let the user logg in if the restriction is because the user is not logged in. If you don't set this function, the command will just do nothing when it's restricted. includeLastResultInCommandResults will include the value of the last successful execution in all CommandResult values unless there is no result. This can be handy if you always want to be able to display something even when you got an error or while the command is still running. errorFilter : overrides the default set by errorFilterDefault. If false, Exceptions thrown by the wrapped function won't be caught but rethrown unless there is a listener on errors or results. notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges : the default is that the command notifies it's listeners even if the value hasn't changed. If you set this to true the command will only notify it's listeners if the value has changed. debugName optional identifier that is included when you register a globalExceptionHandler or a loggingHandler
createAsyncNoParamNoResult(Future action(), {ValueListenable<bool>? restriction, void ifRestrictedExecuteInstead()?, ErrorFilter? errorFilter, bool notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges = false, String? debugName}) Command<void, void>
Creates a Command for an asynchronous handler function with no parameter and no return type action : handler function Can't be used with an ValueListenableBuilder because it doesn't have a value, but you can register a handler to wait for the completion of the wrapped function. restriction : ValueListenable<bool> that can be used to enable/disable the command based on some other state change. true means that the Command cannot be executed. If omitted the command can be executed always except it's already executing ifRestrictedExecuteInstead if restriction is set for the command and its value is true this function will be called instead of the wrapped function. This is useful if you want to execute a different function when the command is restricted. For example you could show a dialog to let the user logg in if the restriction is because the user is not logged in. If you don't set this function, the command will just do nothing when it's restricted. errorFilter : overrides the default set by errorFilterDefault. If false, Exceptions thrown by the wrapped function won't be caught but rethrown unless there is a listener on errors or results. notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges : the default is that the command notifies it's listeners even if the value hasn't changed. If you set this to true the command will only notify it's listeners if the value has changed. debugName optional identifier that is included when you register a globalExceptionHandler or a loggingHandler
createAsyncNoResult<TParam>(Future action(TParam x), {ValueListenable<bool>? restriction, ExecuteInsteadHandler<TParam>? ifRestrictedExecuteInstead, ErrorFilter? errorFilter, bool notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges = false, String? debugName}) Command<TParam, void>
Creates a Command for an asynchronous handler function with one parameter and no return type action : handler function Can't be used with an ValueListenableBuilder because it doesn't have a value but you can register a handler to wait for the completion of the wrapped function. restriction : ValueListenable<bool> that can be used to enable/disable the command based on some other state change. true means that the Command cannot be executed. If omitted the command can be executed always except it's already executing ifRestrictedExecuteInstead if restriction is set for the command and its value is true this function will be called instead of the wrapped function. This is useful if you want to execute a different function when the command is restricted. For example you could show a dialog to let the user logg in if the restriction is because the user is not logged in. If you don't set this function, the command will just do nothing when it's restricted. errorFilter : overrides the default set by errorFilterDefault. If false, Exceptions thrown by the wrapped function won't be caught but rethrown unless there is a listener on errors or results. notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges : the default is that the command notifies it's listeners even if the value hasn't changed. If you set this to true the command will only notify it's listeners if the value has changed. debugName optional identifier that is included when you register a globalExceptionHandler or a loggingHandler
createSync<TParam, TResult>(TResult func(TParam x), {required TResult initialValue, ValueListenable<bool>? restriction, ExecuteInsteadHandler<TParam>? ifRestrictedExecuteInstead, bool includeLastResultInCommandResults = false, ErrorFilter? errorFilter, bool notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges = false, String? debugName}) Command<TParam, TResult>
Creates a Command for a synchronous handler function with parameter that returns a value func : handler function initialValue sets the .value of the Command. restriction : ValueListenable<bool> that can be used to enable/disable the command based on some other state change. true means that the Command cannot be executed. If omitted the command can be executed always except it's already executing ifRestrictedExecuteInstead if restriction is set for the command and its value is true this function will be called instead of the wrapped function. This is useful if you want to execute a different function when the command is restricted. For example you could show a dialog to let the user logg in if the restriction is because the user is not logged in. If you don't set this function, the command will just do nothing when it's restricted. includeLastResultInCommandResults will include the value of the last successful execution in all CommandResult values unless there is no result. This can be handy if you always want to be able to display something even when you got an error. As synchronous function doesn't give the UI any chance to react on on a change of .isExecuting,isExecuting isn't supported for synchronous commands and will throw an assert if you try to use it. errorFilter : overrides the default set by errorFilterDefault. If false, Exceptions thrown by the wrapped function won't be caught but rethrown If false, Exceptions thrown by the wrapped function won't be caught but rethrown unless there is a listener on errors or results. notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges : the default is that the command notifies it's listeners even if the value hasn't changed. If you set this to true the command will only notify it's listeners if the value has changed. debugName optional identifier that is included when you register a globalExceptionHandler or a loggingHandler
createSyncNoParam<TResult>(TResult func(), {required TResult initialValue, ValueListenable<bool>? restriction, void ifRestrictedExecuteInstead()?, bool includeLastResultInCommandResults = false, ErrorFilter? errorFilter, bool notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges = false, String? debugName}) Command<void, TResult>
Creates a Command for a synchronous handler function with no parameter that returns a value func : handler function initialValue sets the .value of the Command. restriction : ValueListenable<bool> that can be used to enable/disable the command based on some other state change. true means that the Command cannot be executed. If omitted the command can be executed always except it's already executing ifRestrictedExecuteInstead if restriction is set for the command and its value is true this function will be called instead of the wrapped function. This is useful if you want to execute a different function when the command is restricted. For example you could show a dialog to let the user logg in if the restriction is because the user is not logged in. If you don't set this function, the command will just do nothing when it's restricted. includeLastResultInCommandResults will include the value of the last successful execution in all CommandResult values unless there is no result. This can be handy if you always want to be able to display something even when you got an error. As synchronous function doesn't give any the UI any chance to react on on a change of .isExecuting,isExecuting isn't supported for synchronous commands and will throw an assert if you try to use it. errorFilter : overrides the default set by errorFilterDefault. If false, Exceptions thrown by the wrapped function won't be caught but rethrown unless there is a listener on errors or results. notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges : the default is that the command notifies it's listeners even if the value hasn't changed. If you set this to true the command will only notify it's listeners if the value has changed. debugName optional identifier that is included when you register a globalExceptionHandler or a loggingHandler
createSyncNoParamNoResult(void action(), {ValueListenable<bool>? restriction, void ifRestrictedExecuteInstead()?, ErrorFilter? errorFilter, bool notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges = false, String? debugName}) Command<void, void>
////////////////////// Factory functions from here on //////////////////////
createSyncNoResult<TParam>(void action(TParam x), {ValueListenable<bool>? restriction, ExecuteInsteadHandler<TParam>? ifRestrictedExecuteInstead, ErrorFilter? errorFilter, bool notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges = false, String? debugName}) Command<TParam, void>
Creates a Command for a synchronous handler function with one parameter and no return type action : handler function restriction : ValueListenable<bool> that can be used to enable/disable the command based on some other state change. true means that the Command cannot be executed. If omitted the command can be executed always except it's already executing ifRestrictedExecuteInstead if restriction is set for the command and its value is true this function will be called instead of the wrapped function. This is useful if you want to execute a different function when the command is restricted. For example you could show a dialog to let the user logg in if the restriction is because the user is not logged in. If you don't set this function, the command will just do nothing when it's restricted. As synchronous function doesn't give the UI any chance to react on on a change of .isExecuting,isExecuting isn't supported for synchronous commands and will throw an assert if you try to use it. Can't be used with an ValueListenableBuilder because it doesn't have a value, but you can register a handler to wait for the completion of the wrapped function. errorFilter : overrides the default set by errorFilterDefault. If false, Exceptions thrown by the wrapped function won't be caught but rethrown unless there is a listener on errors or results. notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges : the default is that the command notifies it's listeners even if the value hasn't changed. If you set this to true the command will only notify it's listeners if the value has changed. debugName optional identifier that is included when you register a globalExceptionHandler or a loggingHandler
createUndoable<TParam, TResult, TUndoState>(Future<TResult> func(TParam, UndoStack<TUndoState>), {required TResult initialValue, required UndoFn<TUndoState, TResult> undo, bool undoOnExecutionFailure = true, ValueListenable<bool>? restriction, ExecuteInsteadHandler<TParam>? ifRestrictedExecuteInstead, bool includeLastResultInCommandResults = false, ErrorFilter? errorFilter, bool notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges = false, String? debugName}) Command<TParam, TResult>
Creates a Command for an asynchronous handler function with parameter that returns a value func : handler function Can't be used with an ValueListenableBuilder because it doesn't have a value, but you can register a handler to wait for the completion of the wrapped function. undo : function that undoes the action. initialValue sets the .value of the Command. undoOnExecutionFailure : if true the undo function will be executed automatically if the action fails. restriction : ValueListenable<bool> that can be used to enable/disable the command based on some other state change. true means that the Command cannot be executed. If omitted the command can be executed always except it's already executing ifRestrictedExecuteInstead if restriction is set for the command and its value is true this function will be called instead of the wrapped function. This is useful if you want to execute a different function when the command is restricted. For example you could show a dialog to let the user logg in if the restriction is because the user is not logged in. If you don't set this function, the command will just do nothing when it's restricted. errorFilter : overrides the default set by errorFilterDefault. If false, Exceptions thrown by the wrapped function won't be caught but rethrown unless there is a listener on errors or results. notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges : the default is that the command notifies it's listeners even if the value hasn't changed. If you set this to true the command will only notify it's listeners if the value has changed. debugName optional identifier that is included when you register a globalExceptionHandler or a loggingHandler
createUndoableNoParam<TResult, TUndoState>(Future<TResult> func(UndoStack<TUndoState>), {required TResult initialValue, required UndoFn<TUndoState, TResult> undo, bool undoOnExecutionFailure = true, ValueListenable<bool>? restriction, void ifRestrictedExecuteInstead()?, bool includeLastResultInCommandResults = false, ErrorFilter? errorFilter, bool notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges = false, String? debugName}) Command<void, TResult>
Creates a undoable Command for an asynchronous handler function with no parameter that returns a value func : handler function Can't be used with an ValueListenableBuilder because it doesn't have a value, but you can register a handler to wait for the completion of the wrapped function. undo : function that undoes the action. initialValue sets the .value of the Command. undoOnExecutionFailure : if true the undo function will be executed automatically if the action fails. restriction : ValueListenable<bool> that can be used to enable/disable the command based on some other state change. true means that the Command cannot be executed. If omitted the command can be executed always except it's already executing ifRestrictedExecuteInstead if restriction is set for the command and its value is true this function will be called instead of the wrapped function. This is useful if you want to execute a different function when the command is restricted. For example you could show a dialog to let the user logg in if the restriction is because the user is not logged in. If you don't set this function, the command will just do nothing when it's restricted. errorFilter : overrides the default set by errorFilterDefault. If false, Exceptions thrown by the wrapped function won't be caught but rethrown unless there is a listener on errors or results. notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges : the default is that the command notifies it's listeners even if the value hasn't changed. If you set this to true the command will only notify it's listeners if the value has changed. debugName optional identifier that is included when you register a globalExceptionHandler or a loggingHandler
createUndoableNoParamNoResult<TUndoState>(Future action(UndoStack<TUndoState>), {required UndoFn<TUndoState, void> undo, bool undoOnExecutionFailure = true, ValueListenable<bool>? restriction, void ifRestrictedExecuteInstead()?, ErrorFilter? errorFilter = const ErrorHandlerLocal(), bool notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges = false, String? debugName}) Command<void, void>
Creates an undoable Command for an asynchronous handler function with no parameter and no return type action : handler function Can't be used with an ValueListenableBuilder because it doesn't have a value, but you can register a handler to wait for the completion of the wrapped function. undo : function that undoes the action. undoOnExecutionFailure : if true the undo function will be executed automatically if the action fails. restriction : ValueListenable<bool> that can be used to enable/disable the command based on some other state change. true means that the Command cannot be executed. If omitted the command can be executed always except it's already executing ifRestrictedExecuteInstead if restriction is set for the command and its value is true this function will be called instead of the wrapped function. This is useful if you want to execute a different function when the command is restricted. For example you could show a dialog to let the user logg in if the restriction is because the user is not logged in. If you don't set this function, the command will just do nothing when it's restricted. errorFilter : overrides the default set by errorFilterDefault. If false, Exceptions thrown by the wrapped function won't be caught but rethrown unless there is a listener on errors or results. notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges : the default is that the command notifies it's listeners even if the value hasn't changed. If you set this to true the command will only notify it's listeners if the value has changed. debugName optional identifier that is included when you register a globalExceptionHandler or a loggingHandler
createUndoableNoResult<TParam, TUndoState>(Future action(TParam, UndoStack<TUndoState>), {required UndoFn<TUndoState, void> undo, bool undoOnExecutionFailure = true, ValueListenable<bool>? restriction, ExecuteInsteadHandler<TParam>? ifRestrictedExecuteInstead, ErrorFilter? errorFilter, bool notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges = false, String? debugName}) Command<TParam, void>
Creates an undoable Command for an asynchronous handler function with one parameter and no return type action : handler function Can't be used with an ValueListenableBuilder because it doesn't have a value, but you can register a handler to wait for the completion of the wrapped function. undo : function that undoes the action. undoOnExecutionFailure : if true the undo function will be executed automatically if the action fails. restriction : ValueListenable<bool> that can be used to enable/disable the command based on some other state change. true means that the Command cannot be executed. If omitted the command can be executed always except it's already executing ifRestrictedExecuteInstead if restriction is set for the command and its value is true this function will be called instead of the wrapped function. This is useful if you want to execute a different function when the command is restricted. For example you could show a dialog to let the user logg in if the restriction is because the user is not logged in. If you don't set this function, the command will just do nothing when it's restricted. errorFilter : overrides the default set by errorFilterDefault. If false, Exceptions thrown by the wrapped function won't be caught but rethrown unless there is a listener on errors or results. notifyOnlyWhenValueChanges : the default is that the command notifies it's listeners even if the value hasn't changed. If you set this to true the command will only notify it's listeners if the value has changed. debugName optional identifier that is included when you register a globalExceptionHandler or a loggingHandler