SlidePicker constructor

const SlidePicker({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required Color pickerColor,
  3. required ValueChanged<Color> onColorChanged,
  4. ColorModel colorModel = ColorModel.rgb,
  5. bool enableAlpha = true,
  6. Size sliderSize = const Size(260, 40),
  7. bool showSliderText = true,
  8. @Deprecated('Use Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyText1 & 2 to alter text style.') TextStyle? sliderTextStyle,
  9. bool showParams = true,
  10. @Deprecated('Use empty list in [labelTypes] to disable label.') bool showLabel = true,
  11. List<ColorLabelType> labelTypes = const [],
  12. @Deprecated('Use Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyText1 & 2 to alter text style.') TextStyle? labelTextStyle,
  13. bool showIndicator = true,
  14. Size indicatorSize = const Size(280, 50),
  15. AlignmentGeometry indicatorAlignmentBegin = const Alignment(-1.0, -3.0),
  16. AlignmentGeometry indicatorAlignmentEnd = const Alignment(1.0, 3.0),
  17. bool displayThumbColor = true,
  18. BorderRadius indicatorBorderRadius = const BorderRadius.all(,


const SlidePicker({
  Key? key,
  required this.pickerColor,
  required this.onColorChanged,
  this.colorModel = ColorModel.rgb,
  this.enableAlpha = true,
  this.sliderSize = const Size(260, 40),
  this.showSliderText = true,
  @Deprecated('Use Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyText1 & 2 to alter text style.') this.sliderTextStyle,
  this.showParams = true,
  @Deprecated('Use empty list in [labelTypes] to disable label.') this.showLabel = true,
  this.labelTypes = const [],
  @Deprecated('Use Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyText1 & 2 to alter text style.') this.labelTextStyle,
  this.showIndicator = true,
  this.indicatorSize = const Size(280, 50),
  this.indicatorAlignmentBegin = const Alignment(-1.0, -3.0),
  this.indicatorAlignmentEnd = const Alignment(1.0, 3.0),
  this.displayThumbColor = true,
  this.indicatorBorderRadius = const BorderRadius.all(,
}) : super(key: key);