FlutterAutoGuiWindows class
- Inheritance
- Object
- PlatformInterface
- FlutterAutoGuiWindows
→ int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
→ Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
click({MouseButton button = MouseButton.left, int clicks = 1, Duration interval = Duration.zero})
→ Future<void>
Performs pressing a mouse button down and then releasing immediately it.
dragTo({required Point<int> point, required MouseButton button, Duration duration = Duration.zero, Curve curve = Curves.linear})
→ Future<void>
Pressed mouse button then moves the cursor to the xy co-ordinate then
release mouse button.
dragToRel({required Size offset, required MouseButton button, Duration duration = Duration.zero, Curve curve = Curves.linear})
→ Future<void>
Pressed mouse button then moves the mouse cursor relative to it's current
position then release mouse button.
hotkey({required List<String> keys, Duration interval = const Duration(milliseconds: 50)})
→ Future<void>
Sets the keys to down state in order and releases then in reverse order
keyDown({required String key})
→ Future<void>
Sets a single key to the up position
keyUp({required String key})
→ Future<void>
Sets a single key to the up position
mouseDown({MouseButton button = MouseButton.left})
→ Future<void>
Performs pressing a mouse button down (but not up afterwards)
at the current mouse position
mouseUp({MouseButton button = MouseButton.left})
→ Future<void>
Performs releasing a mouse button up (but not down beforehand)
at the current mouse position
moveTo({required Point<int> point, Duration duration = Duration.zero, Curve curve = Curves.linear})
→ Future<void>
Moves the mouse cursor to the xy co-ordinate.
moveToRel({required Size offset, Duration duration = Duration.zero, Curve curve = Curves.linear})
→ Future<void>
Moves the mouse cursor relative to it's current position.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation)
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
→ Future<Point<int>?>
Returns the current xy co-ordinate of the mouse cursor
press({required String key, int times = 1, Duration interval = const Duration(milliseconds: 50)})
→ Future<void>
Sets a key down then up to simulate a key press
scroll({required int clicks, Axis axis = Axis.vertical})
→ Future<void>
Performs a scroll of the mouse forwards or backwards
→ String
A string representation of this object.
write({required String text, Duration interval = const Duration(milliseconds: 50), bool omitInvalid = false})
→ Future<void>
Types the characters in the string
Static Methods
→ void
Registers this class as the default instance of