ContextWidgetExtensions extension

Widget extensions of BuildContext



showModal<T>({required Widget child, Color? backgroundColor, Color? barrierColor, Clip? clipBehavior, double? elevation, bool enableDrag = false, bool isDismissible = true, bool isScrollControlled = false, RouteSettings? routeSettings, ShapeBorder? shape, AnimationController? transitionAnimationController, bool useRootNavigator = false, BoxConstraints? constraints}) Future<T?>
Shows a modal material design bottom sheet.
showSnackBar({required SnackBar snackBar}) → void
Shows a SnackBar across all registered Scaffolds.
showToast({required String text, Duration? duration, SnackBarAction? action, TextStyle? textStyle, Color? backgroundColor, SnackBarBehavior? behavior, bool hideCurrentSnackbar = true}) → void
Shows a SnackBar across all registered Scaffolds but instead of SnackBar widget, you can just give it a string.