StringAssertions extension



shouldBeBlank() → void
Asserts that the value is blank.
shouldBeEmpty() → void
Asserts that the value is empty.
shouldBeEqualToIgnoringCase(String expected) → void
Asserts that the value is equal to expected ignoring case sensitivity.
shouldContain(String expected) → void
Asserts that the value contains expected with case sensitivity.
shouldContainAll(Iterable<String> items) → void
Asserts that the value contains a list of items in any order with case sensitivity.
shouldContainAllIgnoringCase(Iterable<String> items) → void
Asserts that the value contains a list of items in any order ignoring case sensitivity.
shouldContainAllInOrder(List<String> items) → void
Asserts that the value contains a list of items in relative order with case sensitivity.
shouldContainAllInOrderIgnoringCase(List<String> items) → void
Asserts that the value contains a list of items in relative order ignoring case sensitivity.
shouldContainIgnoringCase(String expected) → void
Asserts that the value contains expected ignoring case sensitivity.
shouldEndWith(String expected) → void
Asserts that the value ends with expected with case sensitivity.
shouldEndWithIgnoringCase(String expected) → void
Asserts that the value ends with expected ignoring case sensitivity.
shouldMatch(dynamic regExp) → void
Asserts that the value matches the regular expression given by regExp. regExp can be a RegExp instance or a String.
shouldNotBeBlank() → void
Asserts that the value is not blank.
shouldNotBeEmpty() → void
Asserts that the value is not empty.
shouldNotBeEqualToIgnoringCase(String expected) → void
Asserts that the value is not equal to expected ignoring case sensitivity.
shouldNotContain(String expected) → void
Asserts that the value does not contain expected with case sensitivity.
shouldNotContainIgnoringCase(String expected) → void
Asserts that the value doesn't contain expected ignoring case sensitivity.
shouldNotEndWith(String expected) → void
Asserts that the value doesn't end with expected with case sensitivity.
shouldNotEndWithIgnoringCase(String expected) → void
Asserts that the value doesn't end with expected ignoring case sensitivity.
shouldNotMatch(dynamic regExp) → void
Asserts that the value does not match the regular expression
given by regExp. regExp can be a RegExp instance or a String.
shouldNotStartWith(String expected) → void
Asserts that the value doesn't starts with expected with case sensitivity.
shouldNotStartWithIgnoringCase(String expected) → void
Asserts that the value doesn't starts with expected ignoring case sensitivity.
shouldStartWith(String expected) → void
Asserts that the value starts with expected with case sensitivity.
shouldStartWithIgnoringCase(String expected) → void
Asserts that the value starts with expected ignoring case sensitivity.