IterableCommonExtension<T> extension

Common extensions for Iterable



firstOrNull → T?
Returns the first element.
no setter
lastOrNull → T?
Returns the last element.
no setter
notNull Iterable<T>
Returns this iterable without any null values within this Iterable.
no setter
singleOrNull → T?
Checks that this iterable has only one element, and returns that element.
no setter


firstOrNullWhere(bool test(T element)) → T?
Returns the first element that satisfies the given predicate test.
group<K>(K by(T item)) Map<K, List<T>>
Groups Iterable via K by(T item)
groupMap<K, V>(K by(T item), V as(List<T> item)) Map<K, V>
Groups Iterable via K by(T item) and maps it using V as(List<T> item) conversion.
lastOrNullWhere(bool test(T element)) → T?
Returns the last element that satisfies the given predicate test.
mapList<E>(E f(T e)) List<E>
Maps Iterable and casts it to a List.
mapWhereList<E>(E f(T e), bool test(E element)) List<E>
Maps Iterable, then filters Iterable and then casts it to a List.
singleOrNullWhere(bool test(T element)) → T?
Returns the single element that satisfies test.
whereList(bool test(T element)) List<T>
Filters Iterable and casts it to a List.
whereMapList<E>(bool test(T element), E f(T e)) List<E>
Filters Iterable, then mapps Iterable and then casts it to a List.