
Flexible Calendar widget that makes custom a Calendar much easier! Based on the StatefulWidget, this widget works on both Android & iOS.


Add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:

  flexible_calendar: 1.0.0

Simple Usage

After implement, you just use it like a normal child widget. Like this



Choose a date

Screen Shot 2021-07-24 at 20 56 31

Select date range

Screen Shot 2021-07-24 at 20 56 31

Custom Usage

There are several options that allow for more control:

Properties Description
initialStartDate Initialize the start date of the calendar, you need to update it every time you select a date in the calendar.
initialEndDate Initialize the start date of the calendar. If use selection mode to select only one date, you can set initialEndDate = null.
startEndDateChange Every time you click on the date, it will jump into this function for you to update the variable.
minimumDate Limit minimum date can choose.
maximumDate Limit maximum date can choose.
isConvertDateOfWeekToVietnamese Default date of week is "Mon, Tue, ...", please set true if you like it show "T2, T3, T4, ..."
formatMonthTitle Format title show top of calendar. Example: DateFormat("MM, yyyy") will show 07, 2021
textPreMonthTitle Set text pre title. Example: textPreMonthTitle: "Month", will show Month 07, 2021
decorationOfSelectedDay You can custom decoration of selected widget to suil design.
colorOfDayInMonth Set color of date in current month.
colorDayInAnotherMonth Set color of date in anothe month.
colorOfSelectedDay Set color of selected date.
styleOfDay Common style of all dates in the calendar.
isSelectedOnlyOneDay Enable mode select a date, default is select range.
colorInRange Set backgroundColor of range date, not contains StartDate and EndDate.

