higherContrastFixed method

FlexTones higherContrastFixed([
  1. bool useHigherContrast = true

Returns a new FlexTones instance where the tones for all fixed colors are modified.

This modifier can be applied to any predefined or custom FlexTones to make a returned instance where the tones for the fixed colors fixed, onFixed, fixedDim, onFixedVariant are set to 92, 6, 84, 12 instead Material-3 designs specified 90, 10, 80, 30.

This gives us an alternative set of fixed colors with more contrast.

NOTE: If some FlexTones modifiers change same properties, the used order in which they are applied matters. The last one applied will be the one that is used.


FlexTones higherContrastFixed([bool useHigherContrast = true]) {
  // ignore: avoid_returning_this
  if (!useHigherContrast) return this;
  return copyWith(
    primaryFixedTone: 92,
    primaryFixedDimTone: 84,
    onPrimaryFixedTone: 6,
    onPrimaryFixedVariantTone: 12,
    secondaryFixedTone: 92,
    secondaryFixedDimTone: 84,
    onSecondaryFixedTone: 6,
    onSecondaryFixedVariantTone: 12,
    tertiaryFixedTone: 92,
    tertiaryFixedDimTone: 84,
    onTertiaryFixedTone: 6,
    onTertiaryFixedVariantTone: 12,