FlexAdaptive constructor

const FlexAdaptive({
  1. required bool android,
  2. required bool androidWeb,
  3. required bool fuchsia,
  4. required bool fuchsiaWeb,
  5. required bool iOS,
  6. required bool iOSWeb,
  7. required bool linux,
  8. required bool linuxWeb,
  9. required bool macOS,
  10. required bool macOSWeb,
  11. required bool windows,
  12. required bool windowsWeb,
  13. bool? overrideIsWeb,

Default constructor for making a platform adaptive response apply only on selected platforms.

Default constructor requires all properties. Prefer using other constructors with suitable defaults, and overriding properties you want to change.


const FlexAdaptive({
  required this.android,
  required this.androidWeb,
  required this.fuchsia,
  required this.fuchsiaWeb,
  required this.iOS,
  required this.iOSWeb,
  required this.linux,
  required this.linuxWeb,
  required this.macOS,
  required this.macOSWeb,
  required this.windows,
  required this.windowsWeb,