FlexAdaptive.excludeWebAndroidFuchsia constructor
Don't use adaptive feature on any web platform, also exclude Android and Fuchsia devices from using the adaptive features.
Rationale for this configuration, you want to retain the default Material 3 theme feature setup on Android and Fuchsia device platforms, and also use it on Web on all platforms. On all other device platforms you want the adaptive less opinionated design feature.
The rationale for Web being same on all, it should look the same regardless of platform and it should use the Google opinionated Material 3 design. This is useful fi you on web always want to use Google's Material design, not the adaptive config, where some of those features are removed. With this option you typically use Material 3 styles on web on all platforms and on Android and Fuchsia devices, but not on any other device build.
const FlexAdaptive.excludeWebAndroidFuchsia({
this.android = false,
this.androidWeb = false,
this.fuchsia = false,
this.fuchsiaWeb = false,
this.iOS = true,
this.iOSWeb = false,
this.linux = true,
this.linuxWeb = false,
this.macOS = true,
this.macOSWeb = false,
this.windows = true,
this.windowsWeb = false,