FlexAdaptive.appleWeb constructor

const FlexAdaptive.appleWeb({
  1. bool android = false,
  2. bool androidWeb = false,
  3. bool fuchsia = false,
  4. bool fuchsiaWeb = false,
  5. bool iOS = true,
  6. bool iOSWeb = true,
  7. bool linux = false,
  8. bool linuxWeb = false,
  9. bool macOS = true,
  10. bool macOSWeb = true,
  11. bool windows = false,
  12. bool windowsWeb = false,
  13. bool? overrideIsWeb,

Use the adaptive feature on Apple operating system iOS and macOS, and when using the app on web browsers builds on iOS and macOS.

The rationale for this config, you want the adaptive feature on Apple devices, and also when the app is used on web on Apple devices. This is useful for an identical platform adaptive design of the progressive web app on apple devices. Other devices and their web usage get the none adaptive feature.


const FlexAdaptive.appleWeb({
  this.android = false,
  this.androidWeb = false,
  this.fuchsia = false,
  this.fuchsiaWeb = false,
  this.iOS = true,
  this.iOSWeb = true,
  this.linux = false,
  this.linuxWeb = false,
  this.macOS = true,
  this.macOSWeb = true,
  this.windows = false,
  this.windowsWeb = false,