closeIsLast property

bool closeIsLast

Close icon is last in the color picker title toolbar.

Set to false to swap the order of the OK and Close toolbar icons.

Defaults to true, which results in the close 'x' icon being in upper end corner of the picker dialog.

Based on Material guide, the bottom action buttons in a dialog are always in the Cancel-OK order. If the top toolbar buttons are used at the same time, this value can be set to false to show the top toolbar buttons in the same order as the Material bottom dialog action buttons.

The recommendation is to not use the top and bottom action buttons at the same time, but rather select one of the two options. The API does however allow using both or even a mix and match. It is possible to show Cancel and OK actions at the bottom of the dialog, and also add just an 'x' icon in the upper end corner of the dialog that also cancel-closes the dialog as expected.


final bool closeIsLast;