firebase_storage_hooks library


AsyncSnapshotWithProgress<T, ProgressType extends Object>
A custom implementation of AsyncSnapshot that also contains the progress of the async operation. This is useful for showing a loading indicator with exact progress information.
CommitHandler<T extends Object>
An interface that both exposes a value of a commit and a function to revert the commit.
CommitsHandler<T extends Object>
An interface that both exposes a value of a commit and a function to revert the commit.
FileHandler<FileType extends Object>
The interface that implementations of file_picker must implement.
FilesHandler<FileType extends Object>
StorageFileHandler<FileType extends Object, ReturnType extends Object>
StorageFilesHandler<FileType extends Object, ReturnType extends Object>


defaultDialogTitle → const String


useFile({required FileType fileType, List<String>? allowedExtensions}) FileHandler<PlatformFile>
Uses file_picker to pick a file and returns that file as PlatformFile. Loading, error and data states are handled through the AsyncSnapshot type.
useFiles({required FileType fileType, List<String>? allowedExtensions}) FilesHandler<PlatformFile>
Uses file_picker to pick multiple files and returns them. Loading, error and data states are handled through the AsyncSnapshot type.
useStorageFile({required Reference reference, required FileType fileType, required String fileNameBuilder(String fileName), List<String>? allowedExtensions, SettableMetadata? settableMetadata}) StorageFileHandler<PlatformFile, String>
Returns a StorageFileResult that can be used to first select a file and then upload that file to Firebase Storage.
useStorageFiles({required Reference reference, required FileType fileType, List<String>? allowedExtensions, bool generateUniqueFileName = false, SettableMetadata? settableMetadata}) StorageFilesHandler<PlatformFile, String>
Returns a StorageFileResult that can be used to first select a file and then upload that file to Firebase Storage.


RetryFailed = Future<void> Function()