linkEmail method

Future<bool> linkEmail(
  1. String email,
  2. String password, {
  3. bool autoVerify = true,
  4. String? locale,

Links a new email address to this account.

Linking allows a user to add a new login method to an existing account. After doing so, he can choose any of those methods to perform the login.

With this method, an email address can be added to allow login with the given email and password via FirebaseAuth.signInWithPassword(). The method returns, whether the given email has already been verified. If the linking fails, an AuthException is thrown instead.

By default, a verification email is sent automatically to the user, the language of the email is determined by locale. If not specified, the accounts FirebaseAccount.locale will be used.

If you do not want the verification email to be sent immediatly, you can simply set autoVerify to false and send the email manually by calling requestEmailConfirmation().


Future<bool> linkEmail(
  String email,
  String password, {
  bool autoVerify = true,
  String? locale,
}) async {
  final response = await api.linkEmail(
      idToken: _idToken,
      email: email,
      password: password,
    idToken: response.idToken,
    refreshToken: response.refreshToken,
    expiresIn: response.expiresIn,
  if (!response.emailVerified && autoVerify) {
    await requestEmailConfirmation(locale: locale);
  return response.emailVerified;