saveFile method
- String? dialogTitle,
- String? fileName,
- String? initialDirectory,
- FileType type = FileType.any,
- List<
String> ? allowedExtensions, - Uint8List? bytes,
- bool lockParentWindow = false,
Opens a save file dialog which lets the user select a file path and a file name to save a file.
For mobile platforms, this function will save file with bytes
to return a path.
Throws UnsupportedError on macOS if bytes are provided.
For desktop platforms (Linux, macOS & Windows) this function does not actually save a file. It only opens the dialog to let the user choose a location and file name. This function only returns the path to this (non-existing) file.
The User Selected File Read/Write entitlement is required on macOS.
can be set to display a custom title on desktop platforms.
can be set to a non-empty string to provide a default file
name. Throws an IllegalCharacterInFileNameException
under Windows if the
given fileName
contains forbidden characters.
can be optionally set to an absolute path to specify
where the dialog should open. Only supported on Linux, macOS, and Windows.
On macOS the home directory shortcut (~/) is not necessary and passing it will be ignored.
On macOS if the initialDirectory
is invalid the user directory or previously valid directory
will be used.
The file type filter type
defaults to FileType.any. Optionally,
might be provided (e.g. [pdf, svg, jpg]
.). Both
parameters are just a proposal to the user as the save file dialog does
not enforce these restrictions.
If lockParentWindow
is set, the child window (file picker window) will
stay in front of the Flutter window until it is closed (like a modal
window). This parameter works only on Windows desktop.
Returns null
if aborted. Returns a Future<String?> which resolves to
the absolute path of the selected file, if the user selected a file.
Future<String?> saveFile(
{String? dialogTitle,
String? fileName,
String? initialDirectory,
FileType type = FileType.any,
List<String>? allowedExtensions,
Uint8List? bytes,
bool lockParentWindow = false}) {
if (Platform.isIOS || Platform.isAndroid) {
if (bytes == null) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Bytes are required on Android & iOS when saving a file.');
return _channel.invokeMethod("save", {
"fileName": fileName,
"initialDirectory": initialDirectory,
"allowedExtensions": allowedExtensions,
"bytes": bytes,
return super.saveFile(
dialogTitle: dialogTitle,
fileName: fileName,
initialDirectory: initialDirectory,
type: type,
allowedExtensions: allowedExtensions,
bytes: bytes,
lockParentWindow: lockParentWindow,