An instantiable class for manipulating paths. Unlike the top-level
functions, this lets you explicitly select what platform the paths will use.
PathMap <V >
A map whose keys are paths, compared using p.equals and p.hash .
A set containing paths, compared using p.equals and p.hash .
An enum type describing a "flavor" of path.
Corresponds to constants defined in Androids android.os.Environment
absolute (String part1 , [String ? part2 , String ? part3 , String ? part4 , String ? part5 , String ? part6 , String ? part7 , String ? part8 , String ? part9 , String ? part10 , String ? part11 , String ? part12 , String ? part13 , String ? part14 , String ? part15 ])
→ String
Returns a new path with the given path parts appended to current .
basename (String path )
→ String
Gets the part of path
after the last separator.
basenameWithoutExtension (String path )
→ String
Gets the part of path
after the last separator, and without any trailing
file extension.
canonicalize (String path )
→ String
Canonicalizes path
dirname (String path )
→ String
Gets the part of path
before the last separator.
equals (String path1 , String path2 )
→ bool
Returns true
if path1
points to the same location as path2
, and
extension (String path , [int level = 1 ])
→ String
Gets the file extension of path
: the portion of basename from the last
to the end (including the .
fromUri (Object ? uri )
→ String
Returns the path represented by uri
, which may be a String or a Uri .
getApplicationCacheDirectory ()
→ Future <Directory >
Path to a directory where the application may place application-specific
cache files.
getApplicationDocumentsDirectory ()
→ Future <Directory >
Path to a directory where the application may place data that is
user-generated, or that cannot otherwise be recreated by your application.
getApplicationSupportDirectory ()
→ Future <Directory >
Path to a directory where the application may place application support
getDownloadsDirectory ()
→ Future <Directory ? >
Path to the directory where downloaded files can be stored.
getExternalCacheDirectories ()
→ Future <List <Directory > ? >
Paths to directories where application specific cache data can be stored
getExternalStorageDirectories ({StorageDirectory ? type })
→ Future <List <Directory > ? >
Paths to directories where application specific data can be stored
getExternalStorageDirectory ()
→ Future <Directory ? >
Path to a directory where the application may access top level storage.
getLibraryDirectory ()
→ Future <Directory >
Path to the directory where application can store files that are persistent,
backed up, and not visible to the user, such as sqlite.db.
getTemporaryDirectory ()
→ Future <Directory >
Path to the temporary directory on the device that is not backed up and is
suitable for storing caches of downloaded files.
hash (String path )
→ int
Returns a hash code for path
such that, if equals returns true
for two
paths, their hash codes are the same.
isAbsolute (String path )
→ bool
Returns true
if path
is an absolute path and false
if it is a
relative path.
isRelative (String path )
→ bool
Returns true
if path
is a relative path and false
if it is absolute.
On POSIX systems, absolute paths start with a /
(forward slash). On
Windows, an absolute path starts with \\
, or a drive letter followed by
or :\
isRootRelative (String path )
→ bool
Returns true
if path
is a root-relative path and false
if it's not.
isWithin (String parent , String child )
→ bool
Returns true
if child
is a path beneath parent
, and false
join (String part1 , [String ? part2 , String ? part3 , String ? part4 , String ? part5 , String ? part6 , String ? part7 , String ? part8 , String ? part9 , String ? part10 , String ? part11 , String ? part12 , String ? part13 , String ? part14 , String ? part15 , String ? part16 ])
→ String
Joins the given path parts into a single path using the current platform's
separator . Example:
joinAll (Iterable <String > parts )
→ String
Joins the given path parts into a single path using the current platform's
separator . Example:
normalize (String path )
→ String
Normalizes path
, simplifying it by handling ..
, and .
, and
removing redundant path separators whenever possible.
prettyUri (Object ? uri )
→ String
Returns a terse, human-readable representation of uri
relative (String path , {String ? from })
→ String
Attempts to convert path
to an equivalent relative path from the current
rootPrefix (String path )
→ String
Returns the root of path
, if it's absolute, or the empty string if it's
setExtension (String path , String extension )
→ String
Returns path
with the trailing extension set to extension
split (String path )
→ List <String >
Splits path
into its components using the current platform's separator .
toUri (String path )
→ Uri
Returns the URI that represents path
withoutExtension (String path )
→ String
Removes a trailing extension from the last part of path
Exceptions / Errors
An exception thrown when a directory that should always be available on
the current platform cannot be obtained.
An exception class that's thrown when a path operation is unable to be
computed accurately.