decryptAtTime method

Uint8List decryptAtTime(
  1. dynamic token,
  2. int ttl,
  3. int currentTime

Decrypts a token using explicitly passed currentTime. See Fernet.decrypt for the documentation of the token and ttl parameters.

The motivation behind this method is for the client code to be able to test token expiration. Since this method can be used in an insecure manner one should make sure the correct time is passed as currentTime outside testing.


Uint8List decryptAtTime(dynamic token, int ttl, int currentTime) {
  if (token is! Uint8List && token is! String) {
    throw ArgumentError('token must be Uint8List or String');
  final (int timestamp, Uint8List data) =
  return _decryptData(data, timestamp, [ttl, currentTime]);