feedback library
- ArFeedbackLocalizations
- Default arabic localization
- BetterFeedback
- A feedback widget that uses a custom widget and data type for prompting the user for their feedback. This widget should be the root of your widget tree. Specifically, it should be above any Navigator widgets, including the navigator provided by MaterialApp.
- BgFeedbackLocalizations
- Default bulgarian localization
- DeFeedbackLocalizations
- Default german localization
- ElFeedbackLocalizations
- Default greek localization
- EnFeedbackLocalizations
- Default english localization
- EsFeedbackLocalizations
- Default spanish localization
- FaFeedbackLocalizations
- Default persian localization
- FeedbackController
- Controls the state of the feeback ui.
- FeedbackLocalizations
- This class must be extended by all custom translations.
- FeedbackSheetDragHandle
- A drag handle to be placed at the top of a draggable feedback sheet.
- FeedbackThemeData
See the following image to get a better understanding of the properties.
- FrFeedbackLocalizations
- Default french localization
- GlobalFeedbackLocalizationsDelegate
- This is a localization delegate, which includes all of the localizations already present in this library.
- JaFeedbackLocalizations
- Default japanese localization
- PlFeedbackLocalizations
- Default polish localization
- PtFeedbackLocalizations
- Default portuguese localization
- RuFeedbackLocalizations
- Default russian localization
- SvFeedbackLocalizations
- Default swedish localization
- TrFeedbackLocalizations
- Default turkish localization
- UkFeedbackLocalizations
- Default ukrainian localization
- UserFeedback
- Container for the feedback of the user.
- ZhFeedbackLocalizations
- Default Simplified Chinese localization
- FeedbackMode
- Available modes of the feedback ui.
- FeedbackBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext, OnSubmit , ScrollController?)
- A function that returns a Widget that prompts the user for feedback and calls OnSubmit when the user wants to submit their feedback.
= FutureOr<
void> Function(UserFeedback) -
Function which gets called when the user submits his feedback.
feedback is the user generated feedback. A string, by default.
is a raw png encoded image. OnFeedbackCallback should cast feedback to the appropriate type. -
= Future<
void> Function(String feedback, {Map<String, dynamic> ? extras}) - The function to be called when the user submits his feedback.