Template Creator
A Dart script to generate a template for a Flutter project from a boilerplate code repository.
This package will generate a template by using the flutter create
command, then copying files from a code repo to replace the generated files.
- Activate the package globally:
dart pub global activate fd_template_creator
- Create a file
in the root of your project:
# Project name
name: my_app
# Project description (optional)
# description: My app description
# Project organization (optional)
# organization: com.example
# Template name (used to replace package import)
name: fd_template
# Git repository to clone
url: https://github.com/Floating-Dartists/fd_template.git
# If you want to depend on a specific commit, branch or tag, you
# can use a ref key.
# ref: main
# Local path to the template (Not yet supported)
# path: path/to/fd_template
# List of the files or folders to copy from the template
- .github/
- lib/
- assets/
- test/
- analysis_options.yaml
- dart_test.yaml
- pubspec.yaml
- Run the package from the root of your project:
dart pub global run fd_template_creator
Note: If you want to use the package you will need to have Flutter installed on your machine.
- Custom path argument for the configuration file
- Support local paths
- Better error management
- Inspired by the package app_starter