FastTheme extension
Extension on BuildContext to read ThemeData information
- on
- appBarTheme → AppBarTheme
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The AppBarTheme of the current BuildContextno setter -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The MaterialBannerThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - bottomAppBarTheme → BottomAppBarTheme
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The BottomAppBarTheme of the current BuildContextno setter -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The BottomNavigationBarThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - bottomSheetTheme → BottomSheetThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The BottomSheetThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The ButtonThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - cardTheme → dynamic
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The CardTheme of the current BuildContextno setter - chipTheme → ChipThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The ChipThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - colorScheme → ColorScheme
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The ColorScheme of the current BuildContextno setter - dataTableTheme → DataTableThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The DataTableThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - dialogTheme → dynamic
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The DialogTheme of the current BuildContextno setter - dividerTheme → DividerThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The DividerThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - drawerTheme → DrawerThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The DrawerThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - elevatedButtonTheme → ElevatedButtonThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The ElevatedButtonThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - floatingActionButtonTheme → FloatingActionButtonThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The FloatingActionButtonThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - iconTheme → IconThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The ThemeData.iconTheme of the current BuildContextno setter - inputDecorationTheme → InputDecorationTheme
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The InputDecorationTheme of the current BuildContextno setter - isDarkMode → bool
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
If the ThemeData of the current BuildContext is darkno setter - listTileTheme → ListTileThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The ListTileThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The NavigationBarThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The NavigationRailThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - outlinedButtonTheme → OutlinedButtonThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The OutlinedButtonThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - pageTransitionsTheme → PageTransitionsTheme
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The PageTransitionsTheme of the current BuildContextno setter - popupMenuTheme → PopupMenuThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The PopupMenuThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - primaryIconTheme → IconThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The ThemeData.primaryIconTheme of the current BuildContextno setter - primaryTextTheme → TextTheme
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The ThemeData.primaryTextTheme of the current BuildContextno setter - progressIndicatorTheme → ProgressIndicatorThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The ProgressIndicatorThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - radioTheme → RadioThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The RadioThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - scrollbarTheme → ScrollbarThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The ScrollbarThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - sliderTheme → SliderThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The SliderThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - snackBarTheme → SnackBarThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The SnackBarThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - switchTheme → SwitchThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The SwitchThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - tabBarTheme → dynamic
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The TabBarTheme of the current BuildContextno setter - textButtonTheme → TextButtonThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The TextButtonThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - textSelectionTheme → TextSelectionThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The TextSelectionThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - textTheme → TextTheme
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The ThemeData.textTheme of the current BuildContextno setter - theme → ThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The ThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - timePickerTheme → TimePickerThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The TimePickerThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter - toggleButtonsTheme → ToggleButtonsThemeData
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension
The ToggleButtonsThemeData of the current BuildContextno setter