FastTheme extension

Extension on BuildContext to read ThemeData information



appBarTheme AppBarTheme

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The AppBarTheme of the current BuildContext
no setter
bannerTheme MaterialBannerThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The MaterialBannerThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
bottomAppBarTheme BottomAppBarTheme

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The BottomAppBarTheme of the current BuildContext
no setter
bottomNavigationBarTheme BottomNavigationBarThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The BottomNavigationBarThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
bottomSheetTheme BottomSheetThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The BottomSheetThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
buttonTheme ButtonThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The ButtonThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
cardTheme → dynamic

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The CardTheme of the current BuildContext
no setter
chipTheme ChipThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The ChipThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
colorScheme ColorScheme

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The ColorScheme of the current BuildContext
no setter
dataTableTheme DataTableThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The DataTableThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
dialogTheme → dynamic

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The DialogTheme of the current BuildContext
no setter
dividerTheme DividerThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The DividerThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
drawerTheme DrawerThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The DrawerThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
elevatedButtonTheme ElevatedButtonThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The ElevatedButtonThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
floatingActionButtonTheme FloatingActionButtonThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The FloatingActionButtonThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
iconTheme IconThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The ThemeData.iconTheme of the current BuildContext
no setter
inputDecorationTheme InputDecorationTheme

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The InputDecorationTheme of the current BuildContext
no setter
isDarkMode bool

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

If the ThemeData of the current BuildContext is dark
no setter
listTileTheme ListTileThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The ListTileThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The NavigationBarThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The NavigationRailThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
outlinedButtonTheme OutlinedButtonThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The OutlinedButtonThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
pageTransitionsTheme PageTransitionsTheme

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The PageTransitionsTheme of the current BuildContext
no setter
popupMenuTheme PopupMenuThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The PopupMenuThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
primaryIconTheme IconThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The ThemeData.primaryIconTheme of the current BuildContext
no setter
primaryTextTheme TextTheme

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The ThemeData.primaryTextTheme of the current BuildContext
no setter
progressIndicatorTheme ProgressIndicatorThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The ProgressIndicatorThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
radioTheme RadioThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The RadioThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
scrollbarTheme ScrollbarThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The ScrollbarThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
sliderTheme SliderThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The SliderThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
snackBarTheme SnackBarThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The SnackBarThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
switchTheme SwitchThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The SwitchThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
tabBarTheme → dynamic

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The TabBarTheme of the current BuildContext
no setter
textButtonTheme TextButtonThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The TextButtonThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
textSelectionTheme TextSelectionThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The TextSelectionThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
textTheme TextTheme

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The ThemeData.textTheme of the current BuildContext
no setter
theme ThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The ThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
timePickerTheme TimePickerThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The TimePickerThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter
toggleButtonsTheme ToggleButtonsThemeData

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastTheme extension

The ToggleButtonsThemeData of the current BuildContext
no setter