FastMediaQuery extension

Extension on BuildContext to read MediaQueryData information



accessibleNavigation bool
The MediaQueryData.accessibleNavigation of the current BuildContext
no setter
alwaysUse24HourFormat bool
The MediaQueryData.alwaysUse24HourFormat of the current BuildContext
no setter
boldText bool
The MediaQueryData.boldText of the current BuildContext
no setter
devicePixelRatio double
The MediaQueryData.devicePixelRatio of the current BuildContext
no setter
disableAnimations bool
The MediaQueryData.disableAnimations of the current BuildContext
no setter
gestureSettings DeviceGestureSettings
The MediaQueryData.gestureSettings of the current BuildContext
no setter
highContrast bool
The MediaQueryData.highContrast of the current BuildContext
no setter
invertColors bool
The MediaQueryData.invertColors of the current BuildContext
no setter
mediaQuery MediaQueryData
The MediaQueryData of the current BuildContext
no setter
The MediaQueryData.navigationMode of the current BuildContext
no setter
orientation Orientation
The MediaQueryData.orientation of the current BuildContext
no setter
platformBrightness Brightness
The MediaQueryData.platformBrightness of the current BuildContext
no setter
screenAspectRatio double
The MediaQueryData.size.aspectRatio of the current BuildContext
no setter
screenHeight double
The MediaQueryData.size.height of the current BuildContext
no setter
screenLongestSide double
The MediaQueryData.size.longestSide of the current BuildContext
no setter
screenShortestSide double
The MediaQueryData.size.shortestSide of the current BuildContext
no setter
screenSize Size
The MediaQueryData.size of the current BuildContext
no setter
screenWidth double
The MediaQueryData.size.width of the current BuildContext
no setter
textScaler TextScaler
The MediaQueryData.textScaler of the current BuildContext
no setter
windowPadding EdgeInsets
The MediaQueryData.padding of the current BuildContext
no setter
windowSystemGestureInsets EdgeInsets
The MediaQueryData.systemGestureInsets of the current BuildContext
no setter
windowViewInsets EdgeInsets
The MediaQueryData.viewInsets of the current BuildContext
no setter
windowViewPadding EdgeInsets
The MediaQueryData.viewPadding of the current BuildContext
no setter