FastMaterialLocalizations extension
Extension on BuildContext to read MaterialLocalizations information
- on
- alertDialogLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.alertDialogLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - anteMeridiemAbbreviation → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.anteMeridiemAbbreviation of the current BuildContextno setter - backButtonTooltip → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.backButtonTooltip of the current BuildContextno setter - calendarModeButtonLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.calendarModeButtonLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - cancelButtonLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.cancelButtonLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - closeButtonLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.closeButtonLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - closeButtonTooltip → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.closeButtonTooltip of the current BuildContextno setter - collapsedIconTapHint → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.collapsedIconTapHint of the current BuildContextno setter - continueButtonLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.continueButtonLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - copyButtonLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.copyButtonLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - cutButtonLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.cutButtonLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - dateHelpText → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.dateHelpText of the current BuildContextno setter - dateInputLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.dateInputLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - dateOutOfRangeLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.dateOutOfRangeLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - datePickerHelpText → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.datePickerHelpText of the current BuildContextno setter - dateRangeEndLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.dateRangeEndLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - dateRangePickerHelpText → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.dateRangePickerHelpText of the current BuildContextno setter - dateRangeStartLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.dateRangeStartLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - dateSeparator → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.dateSeparator of the current BuildContextno setter - deleteButtonTooltip → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.deleteButtonTooltip of the current BuildContextno setter - dialModeButtonLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.dialModeButtonLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - dialogLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.dialogLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - drawerLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.drawerLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - expandedIconTapHint → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.expandedIconTapHint of the current BuildContextno setter - firstDayOfWeekIndex → int
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.firstDayOfWeekIndex of the current BuildContextno setter - firstPageTooltip → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.firstPageTooltip of the current BuildContextno setter - hideAccountsLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.hideAccountsLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - inputDateModeButtonLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.inputDateModeButtonLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - inputTimeModeButtonLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.inputTimeModeButtonLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - invalidDateFormatLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.invalidDateFormatLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - invalidDateRangeLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.invalidDateRangeLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - invalidTimeLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.invalidTimeLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - lastPageTooltip → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.lastPageTooltip of the current BuildContextno setter - licensesPageTitle → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.licensesPageTitle of the current BuildContextno setter - materialLocalizations → MaterialLocalizations
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations of the current BuildContextno setter - modalBarrierDismissLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.modalBarrierDismissLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - moreButtonTooltip → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.moreButtonTooltip of the current BuildContextno setter -
→ List<
String> -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.narrowWeekdays of the current BuildContextno setter - nextMonthTooltip → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.nextMonthTooltip of the current BuildContextno setter - nextPageTooltip → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.nextPageTooltip of the current BuildContextno setter - okButtonLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.okButtonLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - openAppDrawerTooltip → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.openAppDrawerTooltip of the current BuildContextno setter - pasteButtonLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.pasteButtonLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - popupMenuLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.popupMenuLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - postMeridiemAbbreviation → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.postMeridiemAbbreviation of the current BuildContextno setter - previousMonthTooltip → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.previousMonthTooltip of the current BuildContextno setter - previousPageTooltip → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.previousPageTooltip of the current BuildContextno setter - refreshIndicatorSemanticLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.refreshIndicatorSemanticLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - rowsPerPageTitle → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.rowsPerPageTitle of the current BuildContextno setter - saveButtonLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.saveButtonLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - scriptCategory → ScriptCategory
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.scriptCategory of the current BuildContextno setter - searchFieldLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.searchFieldLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - selectAllButtonLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.selectAllButtonLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - selectYearSemanticsLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.selectYearSemanticsLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - showAccountsLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.showAccountsLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - showMenuTooltip → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.showMenuTooltip of the current BuildContextno setter - signedInLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.signedInLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - timePickerDialHelpText → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.timePickerDialHelpText of the current BuildContextno setter - timePickerHourLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.timePickerHourLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - timePickerHourModeAnnouncement → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.timePickerHourModeAnnouncement of the current BuildContextno setter - timePickerInputHelpText → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.timePickerInputHelpText of the current BuildContextno setter - timePickerMinuteLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.timePickerMinuteLabel of the current BuildContextno setter - timePickerMinuteModeAnnouncement → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.timePickerMinuteModeAnnouncement of the current BuildContextno setter - unspecifiedDate → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.unspecifiedDate of the current BuildContextno setter - unspecifiedDateRange → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.unspecifiedDateRange of the current BuildContextno setter - viewLicensesButtonLabel → String
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.viewLicensesButtonLabel of the current BuildContextno setter
String applicationName) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.aboutListTileTitle of the current BuildContext -
String formattedDate) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.dateRangeEndDateSemanticLabel of the current BuildContext -
String formattedDate) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.dateRangeStartDateSemanticLabel of the current BuildContext -
DateTime date) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.formatCompactDate of the current BuildContext -
int number) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.formatDecimal of the current BuildContext -
DateTime date) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.formatFullDate of the current BuildContext -
TimeOfDay timeOfDay, {bool alwaysUse24HourFormat = false}) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.formatHour of the current BuildContext -
DateTime date) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.formatMediumDate of the current BuildContext -
TimeOfDay timeOfDay) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.formatMinute of the current BuildContext -
DateTime date) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.formatMonthYear of the current BuildContext -
DateTime date) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.formatShortDate of the current BuildContext -
DateTime date) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.formatShortMonthDay of the current BuildContext -
TimeOfDay timeOfDay, {bool alwaysUse24HourFormat = false}) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.formatTimeOfDay of the current BuildContext -
DateTime date) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.formatYear of the current BuildContext -
int licenseCount) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.licensesPackageDetailText of the current BuildContext -
int firstRow, int lastRow, int rowCount, bool rowCountIsApproximate) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.pageRowsInfoTitle of the current BuildContext -
String? inputString) → DateTime? -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.parseCompactDate of the current BuildContext -
int remaining) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.remainingTextFieldCharacterCount of the current BuildContext -
int selectedRowCount) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.selectedRowCountTitle of the current BuildContext -
{required int tabIndex, required int tabCount}) → String -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.tabLabel of the current BuildContext -
{bool alwaysUse24HourFormat = false}) → TimeOfDayFormat -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension
The MaterialLocalizations.timeOfDayFormat of the current BuildContext