FastMaterialLocalizations extension

Extension on BuildContext to read MaterialLocalizations information



alertDialogLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.alertDialogLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
anteMeridiemAbbreviation String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.anteMeridiemAbbreviation of the current BuildContext
no setter
backButtonTooltip String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.backButtonTooltip of the current BuildContext
no setter
calendarModeButtonLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.calendarModeButtonLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
cancelButtonLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.cancelButtonLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
closeButtonLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.closeButtonLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
closeButtonTooltip String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.closeButtonTooltip of the current BuildContext
no setter
collapsedIconTapHint String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.collapsedIconTapHint of the current BuildContext
no setter
continueButtonLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.continueButtonLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
copyButtonLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.copyButtonLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
cutButtonLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.cutButtonLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
dateHelpText String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.dateHelpText of the current BuildContext
no setter
dateInputLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.dateInputLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
dateOutOfRangeLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.dateOutOfRangeLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
datePickerHelpText String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.datePickerHelpText of the current BuildContext
no setter
dateRangeEndLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.dateRangeEndLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
dateRangePickerHelpText String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.dateRangePickerHelpText of the current BuildContext
no setter
dateRangeStartLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.dateRangeStartLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
dateSeparator String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.dateSeparator of the current BuildContext
no setter
deleteButtonTooltip String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.deleteButtonTooltip of the current BuildContext
no setter
dialModeButtonLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.dialModeButtonLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
dialogLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.dialogLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
drawerLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.drawerLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
expandedIconTapHint String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.expandedIconTapHint of the current BuildContext
no setter
firstDayOfWeekIndex int

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.firstDayOfWeekIndex of the current BuildContext
no setter
firstPageTooltip String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.firstPageTooltip of the current BuildContext
no setter
hideAccountsLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.hideAccountsLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
inputDateModeButtonLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.inputDateModeButtonLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
inputTimeModeButtonLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.inputTimeModeButtonLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
invalidDateFormatLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.invalidDateFormatLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
invalidDateRangeLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.invalidDateRangeLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
invalidTimeLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.invalidTimeLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
lastPageTooltip String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.lastPageTooltip of the current BuildContext
no setter
licensesPageTitle String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.licensesPageTitle of the current BuildContext
no setter
materialLocalizations MaterialLocalizations

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations of the current BuildContext
no setter
modalBarrierDismissLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.modalBarrierDismissLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
moreButtonTooltip String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.moreButtonTooltip of the current BuildContext
no setter
narrowWeekdays List<String>

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.narrowWeekdays of the current BuildContext
no setter
nextMonthTooltip String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.nextMonthTooltip of the current BuildContext
no setter
nextPageTooltip String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.nextPageTooltip of the current BuildContext
no setter
okButtonLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.okButtonLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
openAppDrawerTooltip String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.openAppDrawerTooltip of the current BuildContext
no setter
pasteButtonLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.pasteButtonLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
popupMenuLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.popupMenuLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
postMeridiemAbbreviation String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.postMeridiemAbbreviation of the current BuildContext
no setter
previousMonthTooltip String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.previousMonthTooltip of the current BuildContext
no setter
previousPageTooltip String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.previousPageTooltip of the current BuildContext
no setter
refreshIndicatorSemanticLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.refreshIndicatorSemanticLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
rowsPerPageTitle String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.rowsPerPageTitle of the current BuildContext
no setter
saveButtonLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.saveButtonLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
scriptCategory ScriptCategory

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.scriptCategory of the current BuildContext
no setter
searchFieldLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.searchFieldLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
selectAllButtonLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.selectAllButtonLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
selectYearSemanticsLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.selectYearSemanticsLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
showAccountsLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.showAccountsLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
showMenuTooltip String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.showMenuTooltip of the current BuildContext
no setter
signedInLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.signedInLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
timePickerDialHelpText String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.timePickerDialHelpText of the current BuildContext
no setter
timePickerHourLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.timePickerHourLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
timePickerHourModeAnnouncement String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.timePickerHourModeAnnouncement of the current BuildContext
no setter
timePickerInputHelpText String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.timePickerInputHelpText of the current BuildContext
no setter
timePickerMinuteLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.timePickerMinuteLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter
timePickerMinuteModeAnnouncement String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.timePickerMinuteModeAnnouncement of the current BuildContext
no setter
unspecifiedDate String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.unspecifiedDate of the current BuildContext
no setter
unspecifiedDateRange String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.unspecifiedDateRange of the current BuildContext
no setter
viewLicensesButtonLabel String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.viewLicensesButtonLabel of the current BuildContext
no setter


aboutListTileTitle(String applicationName) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.aboutListTileTitle of the current BuildContext
dateRangeEndDateSemanticLabel(String formattedDate) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.dateRangeEndDateSemanticLabel of the current BuildContext
dateRangeStartDateSemanticLabel(String formattedDate) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.dateRangeStartDateSemanticLabel of the current BuildContext
formatCompactDate(DateTime date) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.formatCompactDate of the current BuildContext
formatDecimal(int number) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.formatDecimal of the current BuildContext
formatFullDate(DateTime date) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.formatFullDate of the current BuildContext
formatHour(TimeOfDay timeOfDay, {bool alwaysUse24HourFormat = false}) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.formatHour of the current BuildContext
formatMediumDate(DateTime date) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.formatMediumDate of the current BuildContext
formatMinute(TimeOfDay timeOfDay) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.formatMinute of the current BuildContext
formatMonthYear(DateTime date) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.formatMonthYear of the current BuildContext
formatShortDate(DateTime date) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.formatShortDate of the current BuildContext
formatShortMonthDay(DateTime date) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.formatShortMonthDay of the current BuildContext
formatTimeOfDay(TimeOfDay timeOfDay, {bool alwaysUse24HourFormat = false}) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.formatTimeOfDay of the current BuildContext
formatYear(DateTime date) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.formatYear of the current BuildContext
licensesPackageDetailText(int licenseCount) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.licensesPackageDetailText of the current BuildContext
pageRowsInfoTitle(int firstRow, int lastRow, int rowCount, bool rowCountIsApproximate) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.pageRowsInfoTitle of the current BuildContext
parseCompactDate(String? inputString) DateTime?

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.parseCompactDate of the current BuildContext
remainingTextFieldCharacterCount(int remaining) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.remainingTextFieldCharacterCount of the current BuildContext
selectedRowCountTitle(int selectedRowCount) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.selectedRowCountTitle of the current BuildContext
tabLabel({required int tabIndex, required int tabCount}) String

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.tabLabel of the current BuildContext
timeOfDayFormat({bool alwaysUse24HourFormat = false}) TimeOfDayFormat

Available on BuildContext, provided by the FastMaterialLocalizations extension

The MaterialLocalizations.timeOfDayFormat of the current BuildContext