fal_client library
- CompletedStatus
- Indicates that the request has been completed and contains the logs.
- Config
- Config class for the client. You can setup the credentials or a proxyUrl to use a server-side proxy that can handle and protect credentials.
- EnqueueResult
- Data structure that represents the enqueued request and contains the requestId.
- FalClient
- The main client class that provides access to simple API model usage, as well as access to the queue and storage APIs.
- FalClientImpl
- The default implementation of the Client contract.
- InProgressStatus
- Indicates that the queue is currently processing the request.
- InQueueStatus
- Indicates that the request is still in the queue and contains the queuePosition.
- PollingMode
- QueueClient
- This establishes the contract of the client with the queue API.
- QueueClientImpl
- QueueStatus
- Data structure that represents the status of a request in the queue. This is the base class for the different statuses: InProgressStatus, CompletedStatus and InQueueStatus.
- RequestLog
- Data structure that represents a log entry in the queue.
- StorageClient
- This establishes the contract of the client with the file storage capabilities. Long running requests cannot keep files in memory, so models that require files/images as input need to upload them and submit their URLs instead.
- StorageClientImpl
- This is the default implementation of the Storage contract.
- StreamingMode
- SubscriptionMode
- ValidationErrorInfo
- Exception thrown when the server returns a 422 status code.
Exceptions / Errors
- FalApiException
- Base exception class for all exceptions thrown by the Fal library.
- ValidationException