WidgetsExtensionsPro extension



centered() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetsExtensionsPro extension

Centers the widget inside a container
onTap(dynamic onTap()) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetsExtensionsPro extension

Applies a GestureDetector to detect taps
withBorder({Color color = Colors.black, double width = 1.0}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetsExtensionsPro extension

Adds a border around the widget
withMargin(EdgeInsetsGeometry margin) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetsExtensionsPro extension

Adds margin to the widget
withPadding(EdgeInsetsGeometry padding) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetsExtensionsPro extension

Adds padding to the widget
withRoundedCorners({double radius = 8.0, Color? color}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetsExtensionsPro extension

Converts the widget into a rounded container
withShadow({Color color = Colors.black, double blurRadius = 5.0, Offset offset = const Offset(0, 2), double spreadRadius = 0.0}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetsExtensionsPro extension

Adds a shadow to the widget
withVisibility(bool isVisible) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the WidgetsExtensionsPro extension

Applies a Visibility widget to show or hide the widget