dataCasesInFile function

Iterable<DataCase> dataCasesInFile({
  1. required String path,
  2. String? baseDir,

Parse and yield data cases (each a DataCase) from path.


Iterable<DataCase> dataCasesInFile(
    {required String path, String? baseDir}) sync* {
  var file = p.basename(path).replaceFirst(RegExp(r'\..+$'), '');
  baseDir ??= p.relative(p.dirname(path), from: p.dirname(p.dirname(path)));

  // Explicitly create a File, in case the entry is a Link.
  var lines = File(path).readAsLinesSync();

  var frontMatter = StringBuffer();

  var i = 0;

  while (!lines[i].startsWith('>>>')) {

  while (i < lines.length) {
    var description = lines[i++].replaceFirst(RegExp(r'>>>\s*'), '').trim();
    var skip = description.startsWith('skip:');
    if (description == '') {
      description = 'line ${i + 1}';
    } else {
      description = 'line ${i + 1}: $description';

    var input = '';
    while (!lines[i].startsWith('<<<')) {
      input += lines[i++] + '\n';

    var expectedOutput = '';
    while (++i < lines.length && !lines[i].startsWith('>>>')) {
      expectedOutput += lines[i] + '\n';

    var dataCase = DataCase(
        directory: baseDir,
        file: file,
        front_matter: frontMatter.toString(),
        description: description,
        skip: skip,
        input: input,
        expectedOutput: expectedOutput);
    yield dataCase;