crossFadePoint property

double? crossFadePoint

The point in the cross-fade animation timeline (from 0 to 1) where the collapsed and expanded widgets are half-visible.

If set to 0, the expanded widget will be shown immediately in full opacity when the size transition starts. This is useful if the collapsed widget is empty or if dealing with text that is shown partially in the collapsed state. This is the default value.

If set to 0.5, the expanded and the collapsed widget will be shown at half of their opacity in the middle of the size animation with a cross-fade effect throughout the entire size transition.

If set to 1, the expanded widget will be shown at the very end of the size animation.

When collapsing, the effect of this setting is reversed. For example, if the value is 0 then the expanded widget will remain to be shown until the end of the size animation.


final double? crossFadePoint;