A Flutter implementation of esimcard sdk.
Getting started
Before you start, create an account with the providers and receive the token.
To start using this plugin, add esimcardsdk
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:
esimcardsdk: ^0.0.7
import 'package:esimcardsdk/esimcardsdk.dart';
import 'package:esimcardsdk/src/extra/api_result_class.dart';
import 'package:esimcardsdk/src/extra/sdk_error.dart';
import 'package:esimcardsdk/src/models/purchase_bundles/countries_model.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
const String token = "";
EsimCardSDK esimCardSDK = EsimCardSDK();
// first you cave to call config, to set the sdk
ApiResult<String, SdkError> configRes = await esimCardSDK.config(token);
// if the config isSuccess is true, you can now call other functions
if (configRes.isSuccess) {
ApiResult<CountriesResponseModel, SdkError> result =
await esimCardSDK.fetchCountries(token: token);
if (result.isSuccess) {
for (var i = 0; i < result.data!.data!.length; i++) {