logPushNotification method

  1. @override
void logPushNotification({
  1. required String? title,
  2. required String? body,
  3. required String? subtitle,
  4. required int? badge,
  5. required String? category,
  6. required String? from,
  7. required String? messageId,
  8. required int? priority,
  9. required bool hasNotification,
  10. required bool hasData,

Logs a breadcrumb that indicates that the app received a push notification


void logPushNotification({
  required String? title,
  required String? body,
  required String? subtitle,
  required int? badge,
  required String? category,
  required String? from,
  required String? messageId,
  required int? priority,
  required bool hasNotification,
  required bool hasData,
}) {
  methodChannel.invokeMethod(_logPushNotificationMethodName, {
    _titleArgName: title,
    _bodyArgName: body,
    _subtitleArgName: subtitle,
    _badgeArgName: badge,
    _categoryArgName: category,
    _fromArgName: from,
    _messageIdArgName: messageId,
    _priorityArgName: priority,
    _hasNotificationArgName: hasNotification,
    _hasDataArgName: hasData