fiatScalarToBytes function

void fiatScalarToBytes(
  1. List<int> out1,
  2. List<BigInt> arg1

fiatScalarToBytes serializes a field element NOT in the Montgomery domain to bytes in little-endian order.

Preconditions: 0 ≤ eval arg1 < m Postconditions: out1 = map (λ x, ⌊((eval arg1 mod m) mod 2^(8 * (x + 1))) / 2^(8 * x)⌋) 0..31

Input Bounds: arg1: [0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0 ~> 0x1fffffffffffffff] Output Bounds: out1: [0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0xff, 0x0 ~> 0x1f]


void fiatScalarToBytes(List<int> out1, List<BigInt> arg1) {
  final x1 = arg1[3];
  final x2 = arg1[2];
  final x3 = arg1[1];
  final x4 = arg1[0];
  final x5 = (x4.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x6 = (x4 >> 8);
  final x7 = (x6.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x8 = (x6 >> 8);
  final x9 = (x8.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x10 = (x8 >> 8);
  final x11 = (x10.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x12 = (x10 >> 8);
  final x13 = (x12.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x14 = (x12 >> 8);
  final x15 = (x14.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x16 = (x14 >> 8);
  final x17 = (x16.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x18 = (x16 >> 8).toInt();
  final x19 = (x3.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x20 = (x3 >> 8);
  final x21 = (x20.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x22 = (x20 >> 8);
  final x23 = (x22.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x24 = (x22 >> 8);
  final x25 = (x24.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x26 = (x24 >> 8);
  final x27 = (x26.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x28 = (x26 >> 8);
  final x29 = (x28.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x30 = (x28 >> 8);
  final x31 = (x30.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x32 = (x30 >> 8).toInt();
  final x33 = (x2.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x34 = (x2 >> 8);
  final x35 = (x34.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x36 = (x34 >> 8);
  final x37 = (x36.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x38 = (x36 >> 8);
  final x39 = (x38.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x40 = (x38 >> 8);
  final x41 = (x40.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x42 = (x40 >> 8);
  final x43 = (x42.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x44 = (x42 >> 8);
  final x45 = (x44.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x46 = (x44 >> 8).toInt();
  final x47 = (x1.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x48 = (x1 >> 8);
  final x49 = (x48.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x50 = (x48 >> 8);
  final x51 = (x50.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x52 = (x50 >> 8);
  final x53 = (x52.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x54 = (x52 >> 8);
  final x55 = (x54.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x56 = (x54 >> 8);
  final x57 = (x56.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x58 = (x56 >> 8);
  final x59 = (x58.toUnsigned(8).toInt());
  final x60 = (x58 >> 8).toInt();
  out1[0] = x5;
  out1[1] = x7;
  out1[2] = x9;
  out1[3] = x11;
  out1[4] = x13;
  out1[5] = x15;
  out1[6] = x17;
  out1[7] = x18;
  out1[8] = x19;
  out1[9] = x21;
  out1[10] = x23;
  out1[11] = x25;
  out1[12] = x27;
  out1[13] = x29;
  out1[14] = x31;
  out1[15] = x32;
  out1[16] = x33;
  out1[17] = x35;
  out1[18] = x37;
  out1[19] = x39;
  out1[20] = x41;
  out1[21] = x43;
  out1[22] = x45;
  out1[23] = x46;
  out1[24] = x47;
  out1[25] = x49;
  out1[26] = x51;
  out1[27] = x53;
  out1[28] = x55;
  out1[29] = x57;
  out1[30] = x59;
  out1[31] = x60;