GoogleMapController class

Controller for a single GoogleMap instance running on the host platform.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
mapId int
The mapId for this controller
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


animateCamera(CameraUpdate cameraUpdate) Future<void>
Starts an animated change of the map camera position.
clearTileCache(TileOverlayId tileOverlayId) Future<void>
Clears the tile cache so that all tiles will be requested again from the TileProvider.
dispose() → void
Disposes of the platform resources
getLatLng(ScreenCoordinate screenCoordinate) Future<LatLng>
Returns LatLng corresponding to the ScreenCoordinate in the current map view.
getScreenCoordinate(LatLng latLng) Future<ScreenCoordinate>
Return ScreenCoordinate of the LatLng in the current map view.
getStyleError() Future<String?>
Returns the last style error, if any.
getVisibleRegion() Future<LatLngBounds>
Return LatLngBounds defining the region that is visible in a map.
getZoomLevel() Future<double>
Returns the current zoom level of the map
hideMarkerInfoWindow(MarkerId markerId) Future<void>
Programmatically hide the Info Window for a Marker.
isMarkerInfoWindowShown(MarkerId markerId) Future<bool>
Returns true when the InfoWindow is showing, false otherwise.
moveCamera(CameraUpdate cameraUpdate) Future<void>
Changes the map camera position.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
setMapStyle(String? mapStyle) Future<void>
Sets the styling of the base map.
showMarkerInfoWindow(MarkerId markerId) Future<void>
Programmatically show the Info Window for a Marker.
takeSnapshot() Future<Uint8List?>
Returns the image bytes of the map
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

init(int id, CameraPosition initialCameraPosition, _GoogleMapState googleMapState) Future<GoogleMapController>
Initialize control of a GoogleMap with id.