EasyDurationInt extension

Return Duration base on int input

ex: 1.seconds -> Duration(seconds: 1);



d Duration
Short-hand for days
no setter
days Duration
Return current int in Duration of days
no setter
h Duration
Short-hand for hours
no setter
hours Duration
Return current int in Duration of hours
no setter
M Duration
Short-hand for months
no setter
m Duration
Short-hand for minutes
no setter
microseconds Duration
Return curretn int in Duration of microseconds
no setter
miliseconds Duration
Return current int in Duration of miliseconds
no setter
minutes Duration
Return current int in Duration of minutes
no setter
months Duration
Return current int in Duration of month (30 days / month)
no setter
ms Duration
Short-hand for miliseconds
no setter
s Duration
Short-hand for seconds
no setter
seconds Duration
Returns current int in Duration of seconds
no setter
us Duration
Short-hand for microseconds
no setter
w Duration
Short-hand for weeks
no setter
weeks Duration
Return current int in Duration of weeks (7 days/ week)
no setter
y Duration
Short-hand for years
no setter
years Duration
Return current int in Duration of years (356 days/ year)
no setter


circles(Duration circleLength) Duration
Return current int in Duration of circles (You decide circle length)