downloadServerChanges method
tries to do a partial synchronization from the server, but falls back to full synchronization when needed
Future<void> downloadServerChanges() async {
_logger.finest('Entered DownloadSynchronizer.sync method');
final lastChangeId = await this.appDatabase.getLastChangeId();
if (lastChangeId == null) {
_logger.finest('... no lastChangeId, so will do full resync');
await _fullResync();
_logger.finest('... will sync from $lastChangeId');
try {
final changes = await getServerPendingChanges(
lastChangeId == '' ? null : lastChangeId);
await _partialSyncServerChanges(changes);
} on NotFoundException catch (_) {
_logger.finest('...Received a NotFoundException, so doing a fullResync');
await _fullResync();