migrateAndValidate abstract method

Future<void> migrateAndValidate(
  1. GeneratedDatabase db,
  2. int expectedVersion, {
  3. bool validateDropped = false,

Runs a schema migration and verifies that it transforms the database into a correct state.

This involves opening the db and calling its GeneratedDatabase.migration to migrate it to the latest version. Finally, the method will read from sqlite_schema to verify that the schema at runtime matches the expected schema version.

The future completes normally if the schema migration succeeds and brings the database into the expected schema. If the comparison fails, a SchemaMismatch exception will be thrown.

If validateDropped is enabled (defaults to false), the method also validates that no further tables, triggers or views apart from those expected exist.


Future<void> migrateAndValidate(GeneratedDatabase db, int expectedVersion,
    {bool validateDropped = false});