clientDefault method
Sets a dynamic default value for this column.
When a row is inserted into the table and no value has been specified for
this column, onInsert
will be evaluated. Its return value will be used
for the missing column. onInsert
may return different values when called
multiple times.
Here's an example using the uuid package:
final uuid = Uuid();
class Pictures extends Table {
TextColumn get id => text().clientDefault(() => uuid.v4())();
BlobColumn get rawData => blob();
Set<Column> get primaryKey => {id};
For a default value that's constant, it is more efficient to use
withDefault instead. withDefault will write the default value into the
generated CREATE TABLE
statement. The underlying sql engine will then
apply the default value.
ColumnBuilder<T> clientDefault(T Function() onInsert) => _isGenerated();