withReferences method
ProcessedTableManager<$Database, $Table, $Dataclass, $FilterComposer, $OrderingComposer, $ComputedFieldComposer, $CreateCompanionCallback, $UpdateCompanionCallback, $DataclassWithReferences, $DataclassWithReferences, $CreatePrefetchHooksCallback>
- PrefetchHooks prefetch(
- $CreatePrefetchHooksCallback prefetch
This function with return a new manager which will return each item in the database with its references
The references are returned as a prefiltered manager, which will only return the items which are related to the item
For example:
for (final (group,refs) in await groups.withReferences().get()) {
final usersInGroup = await refs.users.get();
/// Is identical to:
final usersInGroup = await users.filter((f) => f.group.id(group.id)).get();
The keen among you may notice that the above code is extremely inefficient, as it will run a query for each group to get the users in that group. This could mean hundreds of queries for a single page of data, grinding your application to a halt.
The solution to this is to use prefetching, which will run a single query to get all the data you need.
For example:
for (final (group,refs) in await groups.withReferences((prefetch) => prefetch(users: true)).get()) {
final usersInGroup = refs.users.prefetchedData;
Note that prefetchedData
will be null if the reference was not prefetched.
[final PrefetchHooks Function($CreatePrefetchHooksCallback prefetch)?
prefetch]) {
// Build the prefetch hooks based on the user's input
final prefetchHooks = ($state._prefetchHooksCallback != null)
? prefetch?.call($state._prefetchHooksCallback!)
: null;
// Return a new manager which is configured to return a
// `$DataclassWithReferences` instead of a `$Dataclass`
return ProcessedTableManager($state
.copyWith(prefetchHooks: prefetchHooks));